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在就的金矿中探险?Spelunking in old gold mines?

她的探险的梦也死亡了。Her dreams of adventure died as well.

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谁将负担这次探险的费用?Who will find money for the expedition?

对笑笑羊来说每一天都是一场探险。Every day brings an adventure for Shaun.

我就要展开一段奇妙的探险了。I'm about to go on a magical adventure.

一天,他俩结伴去森林探险。One day, they explore a forest together.

我还想去西海岸探险。and I wanted to explore the West Coasts.

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他们于一九二三年在这荒漠地区探险。They explored this desert region in 1923.

在古典文学中充满了有关探险的故事。Classical literature is full of adventure.

他最近对洞穴探险发生了兴趣。He recently tookaninterest in pot- holing.

探险队员发现了一条内部通道。The explorers discovered an inward passage.

第二天,进行了“千谷溪探险”及沿江游览。The next day, they visited along the river.

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我没有理由反对神马号的探险。I got nothing against the Pegasus expedition.

1501年,约翰·卡博特为英格兰进行了一次探险。John Cabot made the trip for England in 1501.

旅游专家探险女孩为您服务!Travel Expert- Adventure Girl at your service!

然而乘汽车旅行本身就是一种探险。Bus travel, however, is an adventure in itself.

我们称这个为sparkpeople探险计划。We call this the SparkPeople Adventure program.

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探险,攀岩,和蹦极的都是男性。Men exploring and climbing, mushing and jumping.

欢迎大家来到金宝贝海洋探险派对。Welcome everyone to the Gymboree Ocean Adventure.

一位潜水者探险铁丝珊瑚在日本的Suruga湾。A diver explores wire coral in Japan's Suruga Bay.