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蛆在乳酪里孳生。Maggots breed in cheese.

肥皂能孳生细菌。Bar soaps can harbor germs.

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不真实的民主孳生犬儒主义。A feigned democracy breeds cynicism.

两年前,嘉定区还是一片蚊虫孳生的荒野之地。Two years ago, it was a mosquito-infested wasteland.

他们孳生的条件依然存在,社会因素仍然没有改变。The conditions remain there, the social factors are all still in place.

蚊媒孳生环境遥感分类和遥感信息提取研究。RS image classification and information derivation of mosquito habitats.

键盘、电话和其他办公室设备的孳生地细菌。Keyboards, phones and other office equipment are breeding grounds for germs.

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目的调查淮南市食用菌螨类的孳生情况。Objective To explore the distribution of mites in edible Fungi in Huainan City.

没有水,道路泥泞,死水潭蚊子孳生”。No water and muddy paths with stagnant pools which bred mosquitoes," Mubarak Ali said.

贫民窟的环境既脏暗又不卫生,是罪恶孳生的温床。The dingy and insanitary environment in the shantytown is a breeding ground for crime.

懒惰孳生满意,新东方。而过度事务招致心灵和身体的疲劳。Idleness spawns discontent and whereas overwork leads to mental and physical exhaustion.

夏日已经到来,即便非典很快过去,这些垃圾也是孳生蚊蝇、老鼠和其他传染病的温床。With summer coming, this garbage will be a breeding ground for mosquitoes, flies and rats.

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而周伟认为,大坝并非导致水藻孳生的原因。Mr. Zhou, the reservoir management vice director, says the dam isn't responsible for the blooms.

在蚊虫孳生地处理上,各区应根据实际情况采取相应措施。Control measures should be made on the basis of the actual situation of each administrative region.

建筑工地、小型积水和市政排水设施是广州市城区主要蚊虫孳生地。The construction sites, the small-scale ponding and the drainage systems are the main breeding places.

方法根据蝇类孳生地及成蝇笼诱法调查密度情况,每月一次用超灭蝇1号进行超低容量喷雾。Methods Ultralow volume spraying with Chaomieying No. 1 one time for every month according to flies density.

虽然它的体积很小,但是密集孳生的浮游生物在太空中都看得见,而且能够供养数十亿的海洋生物。But despite its small size, blooms of plankton are visible from space and can sustain billions of marine creatures.

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结果孳生环境改变使斯氏狸殖吸虫中间宿主密度和感染度下降。Results The density and infectivity of Paragonimus skijabini. were decreased due to the change of breeding environment.

目的调查淮河水系是否存在东方次睾吸虫及其孳生特性。Objective To investigate whether there is Metorchis orientalis in Huaihe River or not and its characteristics of breeding.

改善环境管理可使蚊虫等疾病媒介生存和孳生更加困难。Improved environmental management can make it more difficult for disease vectors such as mosquitoes to survive and to breed.