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他是个散漫的人。He is a discursive person.

他散漫安闲地度过夏天。He lounged the summer away.

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我知道你们过去散漫惯了。I know you're used to loosed-goosey.

不要养成散漫的生活作风。Don't form an undisciplined way of life.

双鱼座是非常自由散漫的人。Pisceans are fairly free-flowing people.

我有点散漫的,我把东西放在。So, I'll be a little looser now where I put things.

贾平凹小说不讲究结构的精巧,而以散漫、拙厚、古朴显得大气。Jia's novel do not strive for exquisite of structure.

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之后我们会去散漫步,丝绝不顾实时间的流逝。And we will go for a walk, forgetting the time going by.

石头上长着黄绿色的苔藓,散漫开来,如花儿般美丽!The mosses grow on the stone, as beautiful as the flowers!

上课多言散漫,应用功学习。Talkative and inattentive in class, should try to work harder.

这孩子太自由散漫以致经常旷课。The boy is so free and easy that he is always absent from school.

我知道你们过去散漫惯了。但我是很严格的。I know you're used to loosed-goosey. But I run a much tighter ship.

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许多企业家认为,当地领导的散漫是他们的自由。Many entrepreneurs acknowledge that local leaders’ laxity is deliberate.

对于我们追逐散漫的信息碎片的行为,这是个有益的警告。As we chase after flickering bits of information, it's a salutary warning.

但是到目前为止他的在金融危机期间的表现是散漫的。But so far his performance during the financial crisis has been desultory.

别让一个妙招、一个响亮的口号或者一个计划在日常的散漫中流失!Don’t let that great idea, slogan, or project get lost in the daily shuffle!

一切都只是服从命令,遵守纪律,没有自由散漫。Everything just obeys orders, obey discipline, there is no freedom desultoriness.

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热情而内藏型的天蝎座是个急性子,而狮子座要乐天散漫的多。Intense, smoldering Scorpio is on a too short fuse, while Leo is much more buoyant.

不允许有有散漫的陈述,不允许有简单随意的准备和任何借口。No sloppy statements, no off-the-cuff remarks, no casual preparation and no excuses.

后院纷乱的树和房屋也在时明时暗的朝阳下散漫着冬日平静的气氛。The trees and houses on the back yard quietly take the on and off of the winter sun.