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我设法替他打掩护,但没能成功。I tried to cover up for him but without success.

而且还为他打掩护,狄公又有些糊涂了。But also a cover for him, Di Gong has some confused.

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他在这次竞选中是打掩护的马。He is just a stalking horse in the election contest.

薪酬委员会在为首席执行官的高薪打掩护吗?Are compensation committees covering for high CEO pay?

这样一来,不用出门打掩护,她就能够搞蕾丝啦。This way she doesn't have to leave the house to cheat.

他友好的行为是为了他罪恶的意图打掩护。His friendly behaviour was a cloak for his evil intentions.

对他们来说,她正在给世界无视非洲打掩护。To them, she's providing cover for the world to neglect Africa.

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托尼立刻警告尼娜不要再为杰克打掩护,尼娜却要求托尼不要再咄咄相逼。Tony immediately warns Nina about covering up for Jack, but she tells him to back off.

那个窃贼的朋友为他打掩护说发生盗窃案时他正在家里。The burglar's friend covered for him by saying that he was at home when the robbery occurred.

波诺用紫色来打掩护,独立摇滚歌手猫女魔力转脸不看观众,而其他人则通常用赞安诺等来舒缓焦虑。The indie rock singer Cat Power faces away from the audience. Others turn to more standard solutions like Xanax.

“如果一会你也想去小玩一会的话”福特说“作为报答我们一定帮你打掩护”。“And if you want to pop off for a quick one yourself later on,” said Ford, “we can always cover up for you in return.

波诺用紫色来打掩护,独立摇滚歌手猫女魔力转脸不看观众,而其他人则通常用赞安诺等来舒缓焦虑。Bono has his purple shades. The indie rock singer Cat Power faces away from the audience. Others turn to more standard solutions like Xanax.

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谷歌的答复经过了斟酌是为了给苹果对拒绝批准谷歌程序的解释打掩护,对于苹果表示仍在考虑该程序的说法,谷歌没有立即发表评论。Google's response was redacted to cloak Apple's explanation for the rejection, and Google had no immediate comment on Apple's claim that it is still considering the program.

车子俊偏偏是时尚潮男,夜场动物,为了争取出去玩,不惜拉出同事童国庆来打掩护。Car handsome it is fashionable tide unluckily male, evening show animal, go out to play to strive for, not hesitate pull colleague child National Day to come provide cover for.

为了躲避追捕,男主故意逃到了女主的房间,并动手动脚地威胁女主帮助自己,胆小的女主只好帮他打掩护,骗走了赌场的人。To evade capture, male master intentionally fled to the room of Japanese, and lift the threat tying to help yourself, timid, she had to cover for him has cheated him out of the casino.

印度官员表示,在对他们认定是在为激进组织“虔诚军”打掩护的机构采取行动的问题上,目前是国际社会表态的时候了。Indian officials say the ball is now in the court of the international community, to take action against the organization it believes is the front for the Laskhar-e-Taiba terror outfit.

在互联网上快速搜索,你会搜出数百万条有关新奇身份证的结果,但是,SCD6的负责人侦探行政总监奈杰尔·马维尔解释说,这些生意也许只是为更罪恶的业务打掩护。A quick search on the internet will throw up millions of results for novelty IDs, but as Det Chief Supt Nigel Mawer, head of SCD6, explained, these may just be a front for a more sinister business.