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由总理大臣担任首脑。It is chaired by the Prime Minister.

克里希那穆提成为了明星社的首脑。Krishnamurti was made Head of the Order.

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尊敬的各位国家元首和政府首脑阁下Your Excellencies Heads of State and Government

万向首脑大会,或附着在手臂的HGA。Heads Gimbal Assembly or HGA attached to the Arm.

他亲自参加首脑会议。He may personally participate in summit conferences.

朝鲜半岛南北双方至今举行过两次首脑会谈,第一次是在2000年,第二次在2007年。The first came in 2000. The second was held in 2007.

该国仍部分由军阀式首脑统治着。Parts of the country are still dominated by warlords.

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前后10多年的时间里,布伦特兰一直担任政府首脑。Brundtland was head of government for more than 10 years.

为期两天的大湄公河次区域首脑会议将于星期天开幕。The two-day Greater Mekong Subregion summit begins Sunday.

三方首脑会晤批准贸易条约。The heads of the three sides met to ratify the trade treaty.

两国政府首脑会晤批准和平条约。The heads of two governments met to ratify the peace treaty.

去年在匹兹堡召开的20国集团首脑会议认识到了这一变化。Last year’s G-20 Summit at Pittsburgh recognized that change.

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李鹏总理出席了首届亚欧首脑会议。Chinese Premier Li Peng attended the first Asia-Europe summit.

在尼克松任期内,美苏共举行了三次首脑会晤。In Nixon's tenure, the United States held three Soviet summit.

布什和伯塞斯库在北约首脑会议开始前不久返回布加勒斯特。The two returned to Bucharest shortly before the summit began.

首脑会议产生的成果就是多部门办法。What the summit has brought out is the multisectoral approach.

总统设宴款待来访的国家首脑。The President gave a reception for the visiting heads of state.

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奥巴马进驻白宫的第一场国宴宴请了印度首脑。The first state dinner in the Obama White House, hosting India.

来自七个国家的首脑举行会谈以解决争端。The heads from seven countries held talks to solve the dispute.

我们和皇室,政府首脑,作家,社会活动家一起吃饭。We dined with royalty, heads of states, authors, and activists.