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妈为了一件风衣在杀价。Mum bargained for a windbreaker.

你再杀价也不可能那么便宜。You can't beat that for a bargain.

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下次我该帮你杀价。I should help you bargain next time.

我喜欢参与杀价买卖露一手。I like joining every battle for a haggle.

太好了。正愁我不会杀价呢。That's great. I don't know how to bargain.

而且我提高了我的杀价技巧。I am also improving in my bartering skills.

您在市场买东西前要杀价哦。Before you buy in the market, ask for a discount.

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如果您购买时用大量现金的话您也可以杀价。You can also bargain if you are making a large cash purchase.

三星电机则依靠大幅度杀价来获得市场。Samsung Electro-Mechanics seizes market shares by price slash.

最后和一个出租车司机杀价,给了他10块钱,把我们送到那儿。In the end we haggled with a cab driver who dropped us there for 10Y.

在朝鲜,对外国人出售的商品多以欧元为支付货币,而且一般不能杀价。Euros are used for goods sold to foreigners and bargaining is forbidden.

所有老练的杀价高手都知道,商店经理往往会是你最好的朋友。As seasoned hagglers know, this person has the power to be your best friend.

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如果考虑到各方面因素,我们真的无法再杀价了。If you take everything into account, we really can't drop costs much further.

消费者还能够在名牌连锁店里成功杀价。Bargain hunters are also successfully negotiating discounts at big-name chains.

我为自己杀价的本领沾沾自喜、得意忘形,但回到船上后这种感觉便荡然无存了。I was especially pleased with my wonderful bargain—until I got back to the ship.

大卖场里都有空调,不用伤脑筋杀价,是懒人购物的首选。Hypermarkets in have air conditioning, don't bargain, is lazy vexatious shopping of choice.

高尔特将喜欢讨价还价的爱好变成了她的职业,杀价前会感到很兴奋,类似跑步者的愉悦感。Gault turned a cost-cutting hobby into a career and says she gets a runner's high before haggling.

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叫我傻瓜吧,因为好几年来我一直都不知道在零售店里买东西的时候可以和店主杀价。Call me a fool, but for years I did not know you could barter with retail stores on major purchases.

也许,在今天的市场上,杀价可能不仅仅是碰运气,你要做的只是开口要价而已。In today's economy, however, haggling may not hinge on luck. Maybe all you really have to do is ask.

叫我傻瓜吧,因为好几年来我一直都不知道在零售店里买东西的时候可以和店主杀价。Call me a fool, but for years I did not know you could barter with retail stores on major purchases.