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本文解释热剩磁和粘滞剩磁的阻挡过程。The blocking process for TRM and VRM is explained in present study.

剩磁装置可包括铁心壳和衔铁。The residual magnetic devices can include a core housing and an armature.

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同样,被机油浸润过的零部件也需进行二级剩磁检测。Parts which are oil wetted should also require Level 2 residual magnetism.

装置采取软件交流磁调制检测技术,有效抵消了剩磁效应。Remanence is eliminated effectively by using software technique of AC magnetism modulation.

针对励磁涌流的仿真,讨论了剩磁和合闸角对于励磁涌流的影响。The influence of remnant flux and closing angle to inrush current is discussed in this paper.

而切向永磁体采用剩磁密度高但矫顽力却很低的铝镍钴。The tangential-set magnets are AlNiCo with high remanent flux density and low coercive force.

针对油管漏磁自动检测过程中的剩磁,选用了直流退磁方法进行退磁处理。The direct current demagnetization method was selected to this auto-inspection line of tubing.

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分析了钢管中剩磁产生的原因及其对焊接质量的影响。Analyzed the reason of the residual magnetism on pipe and the influence on the welding quality.

计算结果表明,随着磁体晶粒易轴取向度的变差,磁体的剩磁、矫顽力均随之下降。The remanence, coercivity and maximum energy product decrease with deteriorated grain alignment.

介绍一种高压电流互感器剩磁系数测试系统。A measuring system for magnetic remanence coefficient of the HV current transformers is explained.

而一直沿用至今的热剩磁技术,,是威廉·吉尔伯特在1600年所'发现'的。Thermo-remanence technology, still in use today, was ‘discovered’ by William Gilbert in about 1600.

等温剩磁各向异性是一种新的磁组构研究方法。Anisotropy of isothermal remanent magnetism is a recently developed technique for rock fabric study.

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材料密度高,晶粒大小适宜且均匀对改进剩磁比也很重要。Besides, density and microstructure of the garnet materials make notable impact on the remanence ratios.

PLC采样发电机的剩磁电压,通过软件编程测取剩磁电压的周期,来获得原动机的点火转速信号。PLC samples the remanence voltage of generator and measures its period with software to get the signal of fire speed.

同时采用复合消磁器连接方式控制消磁效果,实现彻底消除材料剩磁。And the system controlled demagnetizing effect with complex demagnetizing implement to realize complete demagnetization.

针对钢管剩磁对X射线电视检测管端时的图像干扰,设计了一种磁校正装置。It designed a magnetic rectification unit aimed at image interruption by pipe residual magnetic when X ray TV inspection pipe ends.

停车前要先卸去负载最后停车,如果带负载停车,可能引起剩磁,下次使用时要用蓄电池或干电池重新充磁。Unload before stop the machine, or there will be left magnet. Next time when use, magnetize with accumulator cell or dry cell battery.

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先加横向磁场后加纵向磁场退火,非晶合金铁芯可同时获得高的剩磁和低的损耗。High remanence and low core loss can be obtained after annealing in longitudinal magnetic field following in transverse magnetic field.

本文对复相纳米永磁的一些基本特征,包括剩磁和矫顽力等的研究现状作了比较深入的分析和讨论。The fundamental characteristics of the latter, including the current research of the remanence and coercivity are analyzed and discussed.

研制的测试仪主要用于测量互感器的二次侧时间常数和剩磁系数。The current transducer magnetism characteristic test instrument is mainly developed to measure the time-constant and remanence coefficient.