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人权侵害数据库。Human rights violation database.

这种疾病侵害了谷类作物。The disease attacks cereal crop.

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不法侵害的范围。The scope of the actualizing action.

有人说这项法律侵害到他们的权利。Some say the law infringes on their rights.

蛀虫豆受虫侵害的咖啡豆。Moth bean coffee by the infringement insects.

海水中有好多动物能侵害木材。Several animals in sea water can infest wood.

病毒似乎已侵害到他的咽喉。Thee virus seems to have attacked his throat.

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如果发现任何侵害,我们就会采取措施。If we find any violation, we will take action.

许多耐寒植物会受到霜冻的侵害。Many cold- tolerant plants can be harmed by frost.

不法侵害是否包括不作为犯罪。The actualizing action including nonfeasance or not.

木虱会侵害活体植物并啃咬它们的茎。Woodlice attack living plants and gnaw at the stems.

这侵害了守法枪支买家的权利?An intrusion on the rights of law-abiding gun buyers?

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这道栅栏侵害了我们牧场的共有权。This fence contravenes our common right to pasturage.

但是如果你能了解其中的道理,你就能远离“怠惰”对你的侵害。But if you know the truth , you are protected from Acedia.

未受损的肌肤没去外国疑问保护肉体不受细菌侵害。Intact skin can protect the body from be invaded by germs.

虚假广告侵害了知情权。The false on-line advertisements invade the right to know.

因为它们很容易受黑斑病侵害,所以必须喷药。As they are very prone to blackspot, spraying is necessary.

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民用忤逆是由定义侵害法律。Civil disobedience is by definition a violation of the law.

每个小时都有妇女受到家庭暴力的侵害。帮助制止它。请致电931-5001。Every hour, a woman is abused. Help stop it. Call 931-5001.

而12岁以下的儿童中,4岁儿童受到侵害的风险最大。And of those under 12, 4-year-olds were at the greatest risk.