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这是适当的。This is appropriate.

请在下面适当的空格打钩。What makes him tick?

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适当地保持润湿。To moisturize properly.

添加适当的后缀。Adding the proper suffix.

戴适当手套。S37 Wear suitable gloves.

找准适当的写作风格。Write in the proper style.

这里的警告是适当的。A caveat here is appropriate.

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但要穿适当的保护。But wear suitable protection.

佩茨所有适当的挫折。Pats on all appropriate backs.

感到或装作适当的悲伤。To feel, or feign, decorous woe.

她没有适当的衣服可穿。She has nothing suitable to wear.

标记不适当的内容。Flagging of inappropriate content.

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她选择的音乐很适当。Her choice of music is felicitous.

默里·尼姆塞尔就是一个适当的例子。Murray Nemser was a case in point.

恰当的发达和适当的角度。Well developed and well angulated.

请使用适当的区段。Please use the appropriate section.

适当条件下,储存期至少一年。At least 1 year at adequate storage.

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好的,但是让我先把车停在比较适当的位置。O. K. Let's check it. you are right.

选择适当的。Select tick-boxes where appropriate.

把旋钮拧到适当的定位挡上。Twist the knob to the right setting.