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索罗本人则曾在大赛中三度夺魁。Solo himself was a three-time winner of the race.

不管怎么说主队好象是志在夺魁。Anyway, the host team seems to fight for the gold.

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但到了1992年11月,他在大选中脱颖而出,一举夺魁。In November 1992, he won the presidential election.

谁将在竞争激烈的三分大赛中夺魁?Who will prevail in a loaded Three-Point Contest field?

一个人是否能夺魁,取决与他是否努力学习。Whether you can come top depends on if you will study hard.

在1989年40界世界乒乓球锦标赛上她一举夺魁。She took the first place at the 40th World Championship in 1989.

他在同公认的最可能夺魁的人竞争时表现不凡。He made a good showing in competition with acknowledged front-runners.

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而家鼠克莱顿想用他家的那个南瓜参加“南瓜大赛”,他觉得一定能凭借它夺魁。Clayton the house mouse wants to win the Biggest Pumpkin contest with his.

我不敢奢望中国一举夺魁,但更希望的是和平。I do not dare wild hope China to win at one fell swoop, but hopes is peace.

我没有因为一分之差而不能夺魁,所以,我的水平也很高。I didn't win the tournament in Doha for one point. So playing high level, too.

曼联在以往的英格兰顶级联赛中至少成功夺魁19次。Manchester United have won the top division title in England no less than 19 times.

22岁的希金斯1972年第一次参加世锦赛时便获得冠军,1982年再一次夺魁。At 22 Higgins won the World Championship at his first attempt in 1972, and again in 1982.

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奇切斯特在首届横渡大西洋单人航海赛中夺魁时,已经五十八岁。Chichester was already 58 years old when he won the first solo transatlantic sailing race.

也许本周扬科的夺魁,让我们重新有了再谈她能否豪取大满贯的机会。Maybe if Jankovic wins this week, we can start talking about her Slam title chances again.

结果,蔡美儿的两个女儿取得全A成绩,并在一系列音乐比赛中夺魁。As a result, Chua’s daughters get straight As and have won a series of musical competitions.

而且他的最近的一班湖人队连续三年进入总决赛,其中两次夺魁。And his most recent Lakers squad made it to the NBA Finals three years in a row, winning twice.

是的,我们经过一番波折最终靠实力再次夺魁!Yes, we have after some twists and turns ultimately on the strength once again won the first prize!

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中国丝绸之所以天下夺魁,是因为长久的实践创造了完美。Chinese silk is peerless in the world simply Because long practice has led to the way of perfection.

我不敢奢望中国一举夺魁,但更希望的是和平。I dare not to entertain wild hope China with one action the defloration , but what to even hope is a peace.

在一九九四年中国推选“国花”之际一举夺魁,从此又有国花之美誉。In 1994 China made" national flower" occasion to win the title, and the national flower of the reputation from.