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九岁时,他合办了一个广播秀,当时他住在拉斯维加斯。At age nine, he co-hosted a radio show when he was living in Las Vegas.

香港知识产权保护协会与知识产权署合办研讨会。The Coalition co-organises a seminar with the Intellectual Property Department.

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恒丰酒店与奥比斯合办「创造奇迹」救盲筹款活动,为奥比斯筹募款项。Prudential Hotel and ORBIS co- organising the " Make a Difference" Fundraising programme.

此项双学位课程由文学院与教育学院合办。This double-degree is jointly offered by the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Education.

球技娴熟的荷兰队则拥有博格坎普,他们想充分利用与比利时合办欧洲杯的优势以夺冠。Dennis Bergkamp's skillful Dutch side want to make the most of being joint hosts with Belguim.

年内,该局与地方团体合办的活动共有201项,参加者达69477人次。In all, 201 programmes were co-organised with local organisations and drew 69477 participants.

需要指出的是,那是2009年,我提供信用出奇困难,因此我和父亲合办了这张卡。Mind you, this was in 2009, and it was incredibly hard to find credit, so I had to co-sign with my dad.

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1995年与外交学会建立合作关系,多次合办研讨会、组织互访。It started cooperation with the CPIFA in 1995 and had co-organized several seminars and exchanges of visits.

上周我的基金会,阳光文化基金会,与比尔梅连达盖茨基金会合办了一场活动。Last week my foundation, Sun Culture foundation, co-organized an event with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

中日合办企业是近代日本帝国主义对旧中国进行经济侵略的重要方式之一。One of the important economy ways that invaded to old China is the enterprise operated jointly by China and Japan.

联合书院与北京清华大学于本年暑假再次合办「薪火计划」。United College and Tsinghua University jointly organised a social service programme named "Pass-it-on" this summer.

奥尔默特在到达后两小时参观了中国和以色列合办的位于北京东郊的示范农场。Olmert visited a China-Israel demonstration dairy farm in the eastern suburbs of Beijing two hours after his arrival.

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邀参加了由省中旅和绍兴旅委合办的第二十七届中国兰亭书法节活动。On April 19, 2011, our students were invited to attend the Twenty-seventh China Orchid Pavilion Calligraphy Festival.

由CCTV和台湾中天电视台合办,大陆八所高校和台湾八所高校每校各派出3名选手参加。Jointly run by CCTV and taiwan's Zhongtian TV station, separately send 3 person by mainland and Taiwan's 8 high school.

山东大学萌芽学者学术交流团现正访问联合书院,与本院合办萌芽学者学术交流计划。A delegation from Shandong University is now visiting the College under the College Budding Scholars Exchange Programme.

克纳普克夫妇的葬礼弥撒也是合办的,曾孙女们抬着露丝的灵柩,孙子们抬着哈罗德的灵柩。The Knapkes had a joint funeral Mass, with granddaughters carrying Ruth's casket and grandsons carrying Harold's casket.

“战争艺术集团”获得的这个奖是由俄罗斯文化部和当代艺术国家中心合办的。Voina won the Innovatsia prize, which the ministry co-sponsors with the National Center for Contemporary Art on 7 April.

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但无论如何,如果要与其他组织合办活动的文宣中使用“扶轮”字样出现在活动的合并名称时,一定要经过国际扶轮理事会理事的批准。However, approval by the RI Board of Directors is required if the word Rotary appears in the activitys incorporated name.

阁下所提供的资料只用于本会与合办机构的康体活动报名事宜及活动宣传之用。Information provided by competitors will only be used for competition enrolment and sport promotion by the HKCU and LCSD.

在风云一时的近代中外合办银行史上,北洋保商银行是一家极其“特殊”的中外合资银行。In the short duration of cooperative banks, The Commercial Guarantee Bank Of China, was a very special bank of joint venture.