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尊老爱老是中华民族的传统美德。To respect old men is a virtue in China.

我们能够爱幼,但我们却时常忘了像爱幼一样尊老。We can love young, but we are often forget to like his respect for the same.

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尊老意味着姜还是老的辣,而年轻有为者则难有升职的机会。Respect for seniority means that promotions go to the older, not the most able.

古代文明的高下以人们如何尊老助残为衡量标准。Past civilizations were measured by how they treated their elderly and disabled.

中国人长久以来对他们的儒家尊老的传统引以为傲。The Chinese have long prided themselves on their traditional, Confucian reverence for the elderly.

在公共汽车上主动为老人让座,做一个尊老爱老的典范。On the bus initiative for the elderly Parks and be a model of respect for the old and caring for the elderly.

我从她那里学会了诚实,学会了节俭,学会了尊老扶弱。From her I learned to tell the truth, to refrain from waste, to be considerate of the weak and respectful to age.

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应发扬尊老爱老的传统美德,保持良好和谐的家庭关系。The traditional virtue of Chinese people of respecting the old and maintaining a harmonious family relationship should be carried forward.

第二部分是对老年题材电影创作和表现的时代背景和中国传统的尊老爱老的文化渊源探析。The second part is to analysis the produce and performance background and Chinese traditional respect for elders as the old cultural origin.

“贺老,我先走了。”说完,林跃顾不上什么尊老的理解,眨眼间就跑的没影了。"The He is old, I hiked first. "Finish mentioning, Lin Yue attends to no ugg claccic up what antique comprehension, wink to scamper of don't copy.

良好的户外休闲空间不仅使城市住宅区环境更加完整,更能对城市尊老、爱老、敬老的社会环境起到积极作用。A better outdoor leisure space can complete the environment of urban residential district, and make a positive effect on the social environment of respecting the aged.

1989年我国把农历九月九日定为“老人节”,在全社会倡导尊老、敬老、爱老、助老的社会风气。In 1989, the Chinese government decided the Double Ninth Festival as Seniors' Day, encouraging people to respect, take good care of and love the seniors around the country.

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为此,当局设法教育年轻人对父母尽孝的必要,教育部支持倡导尊老的儒学的复兴。Authorities are trying to educate young Chinese about the need to care for their parents. The Education Ministry has supported a resurgence of Confucian studies, which promote respect for elders.