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市场会恐慌。Markets would panic.

她对此感到恐慌。She felt scared at it.

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这没什么好恐慌的,我已经62岁了。There's no panic, I'm 62.

庆祝变成了恐慌。Celebration turns to panic.

她的脸因恐慌而变相了。Her face distorted in panic.

目前是否存在公众恐慌?IV. Is there a panic so far?

没理由需要恐慌。There is no reason for panic.

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恐慌后方向改变。Panic after orientation change.

没有人尖叫或者恐慌。No one is screaming or panicking.

我为不可名状的恐慌所控制。I was seized by a nameless horror.

许多商号在这场经济恐慌中破产了。Many firms went bung in the panic.

这引起了地球人的恐慌。This causes the panic of earthman.

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一阵恐慌使得她浑身起鸡皮疙瘩。A flush of alarm prickled her skin.

增大的恐慌到处传播谣言。Growing panic blew the rumour about.

这是一周内第二次肺痨病恐慌。It was the second TB scare in a week.

但是迄今为止还不需要过度恐慌。So far, however, no one is panicking.

看到那景象,我突然感到一阵恐慌。Panic seized me when I saw the scenes.

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这消息在德国引起很大恐慌。The news aroused much fear in Germany.

他们利用恐慌和偏执狂。They capitalize on panic and paranoia.

胡迪这正是恐慌的最佳时间!Woody This is a perfect time to panic!