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我张开的双臂怎生的酸痛!How my open arms ache!

我两手两脚都很酸痛。Both my hands and feet ache.

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膝盖酸痛,腿上静脉曲张。Knee pain and varicose veins.

我觉得全身酸痛。I feel sore and ache all over.

他两手两脚都很酸痛。His both hands and feet ache all over.

她感到他在按摩她酸痛的肌肉。She felt him knead the aching muscles.

那一跤摔得我浑身骨头酸痛。The fall jarred every bone in my body.

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尾骨很酸痛为什么有办法?Coccygeal very why does ache have idea?

眼睛酸痛胀痛,该怎么办?Eye ache bilges painful, how should do?

他的手脚都很酸痛。Both of his hands and feet ache all over.

打完棒球后,我的肌肉一直酸痛。My muscles are sore from playing baseball.

我骑马骑得臀部很酸痛。My seat is rather sore from riding a horse.

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我能否寻得安慰,以解旅行的酸痛和疲惫?Shall I find comfort, travel-sore and weak?

我们耕田锄地直到胳膊酸痛肿大。We plowed and hoed till our arms were sore.

我想今天我们会砍杀到手腕酸痛!I think we will grow weary of killing today!

一次舒适的按摩可缓减您肌肉的酸痛。A good massage will ease your aching muscles.

舒解肩颈酸痛、肩周炎等症状。Restrain pain of shoulder and shoulder joint.

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事实上,我有一个肚子不适酸痛,黑灰抱怨。In fact, I have a tummy ache, Smudge complained.

亚瑟是个好外野手,却有一只容易酸痛的手臂。Arthur is a good fielder but he's got a glassarm.

亚瑟是个好外野手,却有一只容易酸痛的手臂。Arthur is a good fielder but he's got a glass arm.