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这正是刚才在浓雾里鸣放汽笛的那辆机车。This it was which was whistling in the mist.

船长命令部下鸣放礼炮。The captain ordered his men to fire a salute.

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在哈德逊河靠近双子大楼矗立后来倒塌的位置,该战舰鸣放了21响礼炮。In the Hudson River close to where those towers stood and fell, the warship fired a 21-gun salute.

鸣放出来的东西,大概百分之九十以上是正确的,有百分之几是右派言论。Roughly speaking, more than 90 per cent of the views aired were valid and the Rightist ones were a tiny fraction.

我在梦幻中依稀又听到了滑膛枪在鸣放,又听到了战场上那陌生、哀愁的呻吟。In my dreams I hear again the crash of guns, the rattle of musketry , the strange, mournful mutter of the battlefield.

庆祝活动将鸣放焰火,来自世界各国的艺术家们举办的一场特色音乐会将在此举行。The festivities will be capped with fireworks and a concert featuring performances by musicians from across the world.

原来的绿色广场变成了烈士广场,提着AK-47的年轻人每晚依旧在这里集结,鸣放一番以示庆祝。Every night young men toting AK-47s still gather in Martyrs' Square, formerly Green Square, to let off a few celebratory rounds.

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下雾时要叫我,鸣放汽笛,动用测深仪,启动一次雷达不要超过20分钟。Call me when the fog set in. Sound regulation whistle, attend to echo sounding and start radar at an interval not more than 20 minutes.

在马拉卡纳球场的1950年世界杯揭幕战中,巴西以4-0的比分战胜了墨西哥队,比赛前鸣放了21声礼炮和放飞了5000只和平鸽。The stadium opened with Brazil’s 4-0 win against Mexico in the 1950 finals, along with a 21-gun salute and the release of 5,000 pigeons.

为了庆祝亲家人的到来,本拉登鸣放了21响礼炮,并为几十人准备了丰盛的午餐。There was a celebration honouring the Yemeni family's arrival, complete with a 21-gun salute and a lavish lunch attended by dozens of people.

防空警报按照预先警报、空袭警报、解除警报的顺序依次鸣放,前后历时23分钟。Air-raid siren in accordance with the early warning, air raid alarm, warning the lifting of the order take-ming, which lasted around 23 minutes.

在挪威,这一天是以鸣炮开始的--从奥斯陆的城堡,从全国各地的碉堡,鸣放礼炮。In Norway, the day begins with cannon fire-- ceremonial blasts are shot from the castle in Oslo and from other fortresses throughout the country.

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接下来是一阵沉默,白色大理石壁炉台上那架巨大的镀金时钟发出的嘀嗒声变得像葬礼上一分钟鸣放一次的炮声那样轰轰隆隆。There was a silence during which the tick of the monumental ormolu clock on the white marble mantelpiece grew as loud as the boom of a minute-gun.

我和司机坐在带有空调的救护车里,跟在差不多100名运动员的后面,等待发令抢尖利的鸣放声。The driver and I were in an air-conditioned ambulance behind approximately one hundred athletes waiting to hear the sharp crack of the starting gun.

但是,七个规划一起讨论太多了,还是要分期分批拿到群众中去鸣放、辩论。But since it would be too much to discuss all seven plans at the same time, it is preferable to stagger the airing of views and debates by the masses.

以后,每年清教徒们都会举行感恩欢庆,在黎明时鸣放礼炮,列队走进教堂,点起舞火举行盛宴。Every year after, the pilgrims would celebrate Thanksgiving. They would light fire crackers at dawn , have fires to dance, then walk in churches in lines.

其结果是也门人在城市和半城市地区不再携带,挥舞或鸣放武器-即使在儿子的婚礼夜晚。The upshot is that Yemenis can no longer carry, brandish or fire weapons of any sort in urban and semi-urban districts — even on their sons' wedding nights.

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左派不仅同中间派一道鸣放辩论,而且完全公开地同右派一道鸣放辩论,在农村里头同地主、富农一道鸣放辩论。The Left should freely air views and hold debates not only with the middle but also openly with the Rightists and, in the villages, with the landlords and rich peasants.

科国首都普里什蒂纳的大街小巷,狂欢的人们翩翩起舞,对着空中鸣放枪炮,挥舞着红黑两色的阿尔巴尼亚国旗,庆贺新国家的诞生。Across the capital, Pristina, revelers danced in the streets, fired guns into the air and waved red and black Albanian flags in jubilation at the birth of the world's newest country.