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今天真是漫长的一天。It's been a long day.

为自己铺下一条更平坦更漫长的路。I have long way to go.

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这是一次漫长的系列赛。This is a long series.

日辉之家经过了一个漫长的路。Home has come a long way.

陈冠希说,“人生很漫长,人也会改变。Life is long, people change.

前路虽漫长,攀登勇敢上。The road ahead will be long.

那是一段漫长而崎岖的情路。It's been a long, bumpy road.

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孤单的路太过漫长。And the road has been to long.

他给我们讲述了一段漫长的辛酸史。He told us a long tale of woe.

漫长的编辑-编译-调试周期。Lengthy edit-compile-debug cycle.

所以说,52年是一段漫长的岁月。So, yes, 52 years is a long time.

漫长的暑假结束了。The long summer vacation is over.

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一个漫长的诉讼仍悬而未决。A long-running lawsuit is pending.

现在它仅是一个漫长过程的开端。It is the start of a long process.

青草经过漫长的冬季后能重新生长。Grass regrows after the long winter.

失意人要忍熬漫长的夜晚One the long nights through must lie

这一夜对于我来说显得格外漫长。It had been a very long night for me.

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他们懒懒散散地混过了漫长的夏天。They lazed away the long summer days.

在漫长的夏季,束束阳光Through the slow summer, when the sun

这是漫长的战争,这是欧洲的伊拉克。It's the long war. It's Europe's Iraq.