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同样地,此生是为来生作准备。It is the door to eternity.

我要纵情欢度此生,我要挥霍我的人生。I will spend, squander, dazzle.

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直到爱过此生才无憾!Till loved, i never lived enough.

直到爱过,此生无憾。Till loved , I never lived enough.

不要此生匆匆过,但求每日都成长。Don't go through life , grow though life.

此生最爱的东西,我爱她到狂热,她却令我心静。I love it most , making me calm and quiet.

忠诚的心,此生何求?Faithful heart, what more can one life ask?

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此生,是谁折断了连理的枝?This life, who broke with reasonable sticks?

所以死神将我召唤时此生无憾。So when he calls me, Death shall find me ready.

相信我,看了那篇原文,就不虚此生了。Believe me, it’s worth reading the entire thing.

如果你不再操控六翼天使,则埋葬此生物。Bury the creature if you lose control of Seraph.

在上帝眼里,服事他人才不枉此生。In God' s eyes, true greatness is serving others.

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摇蜡影,弄鸳箫,此生和月遥。Shadow shake wax, get their music, life and month.

陈翔,你是我此生不换的烟火。Mr. xiang, You do not change my life the fireworks.

此生成的文件中的组名称为空白。The group name in this generated file is left blank.

我们可以自由选择怎样度过此生。We have a free will to choose how we live our lives.

发誓此生之中你为我最爱,又何想?I swear, your love is all my life, what do you think?

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拥有财富和欢乐,此生夫复何求?All the riches and pleasures, what else can life bring?

有些业报是此生就会成熟的。There are certain actions that will ripen in this life.

此生此物当生涯,白石青松便是傢。When this thing as a career, White Shi Qingsong is home.