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我需要一个急救包!I need a med pack!

把你的急救包分成两部分。Separate your first aid kit into two sections.

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在急救包中准备一些其他必需品。Keep other must haves in your first aid kit as well.

千万不要把任何急救包放在玻璃瓶中。Don't take any of these first aid kit items in glass bottles.

急救包能够快速愈合,并且治愈感染。With medicine medkits heal faster and now also cure infections.

那么我就吃阿斯匹林吧,而你有小型急救包吗?I will take the Aspirin then. And have you a small first-aid kit?

制作一个急救包并且送给现役部队。Create a care package and send it to an active duty military unit.

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急救包是人们外出旅行必不可少的装备。A first-aid kit is a necessary piece of equipment for people when traveling.

急救包——包括家听成员的专用药品First Aid Kit-including specific medicines needed for members of your household.

世卫组织正在提供腹泻病工具包、卫生急救包和其他药品。WHO is supplying Diarrheal Disease kits, Emergency Health kits and other medicines.

您的急救包可能包括为旅行准备的零食、饮料和儿童游戏。Your survival kit may include snacks, beverages, and children's games for the trip.

获得你的免费袖珍圣约翰急救包和基本急救指南。Get your free pocket-size St. John Ambulance First Aid Kit and Basic First Aid Guide.

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下面是你急救包应该包括的物品,要获得完整的列表可以访问疾控中心突发事件页面。Below are a few items you should include in your kit, for a full list visit the CDC Emergency page.

附加的救生包包括一个急救包,鱼钩以及鱼线,镜子,还有种种其它的东西。An attached survival pack includes a first aid kit, fish hooks and line, mirror, and a myriad of other gear.

不管任何时候,人类都会觉得有一个得心应手的急救包在身边是一个不错的主意,同样的规则也适用于您的貂儿。Just like it's a good idea to have a human first-aid kit handy at all times, the same rule applies to your ferret.

矿泉水,烧烤食物,一次性餐具,晚上篝火派对用酒水零食,西式早餐,垃圾袋,急救包。Mineral water, BBQ food, Alcohols and Snack for campfire party, western style breakfast, garbage bag, first-aid box ext.

世卫组织还努力在恩贾梅纳和阿贝歇建立实验室能力,并提供急救包和快速诊断检测。WHO has also worked to build laboratory capacity in N’Djamena and Abéché and to provide kits and rapid diagnostic tests.

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毕马威并将厚衣、毛毡、急救包和睡袋转赠给受地震影响的居民。Warm clothing, blankets, emergency kits and sleeping kits have been distributed to the people affected by the earthquake.

移除于写实对抗中的急救包及电撃器,除了安全室内的急救包外,其他医疗物品均以止痛丸取代。Removed Defibs and First Aid Kits in Realism Versus. Survivors start with a First Aid Kit, but all world spawns are disabled.

你的急救包中还应包含紧急电话号码,蛇咬工具,吐根制剂,木炭药片或其他东西。You might also include emergency phone numbers, snake bite kits, ipecac, charcoal tablets or other items in your home first aid kit.