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他对盘尼西林无耐药力。He can't tolerate penicillin.

药力开始发作。The medicine began to take effect.

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这种新的传染病对抗菌素有抗药力。This new type of infection is resistant to antibiotics.

他病情上的变化表明需要使用更强药力的药。The change in his illness indicates the use of stronger drugs.

被刮的脑袋,昏迷的脑袋,在药力中,太多次要死。Shaved heads, rave heads, on the pill, got too much time to kill.

当我朝卫生间走去的时候,药力开始发作了。As I made my way towards the bathroom the drug began to kick in again.

药力渐渐起了作用,那头大象一头跌倒在地上。The medicine gradually operated and the elephant fell down on the field.

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麻醉剂的药力已经稍微消失,但我却因为感觉疼痛而有点高兴。The Novocain was wearing off a little, but I was somehow happy to feel pain.

如果你经常服用某一种药物,你的身体就会获得某种抗药力。If you take a drug regularly, your body gradually acquires a tolerance of it.

杰克逊去年死于服用了一种药力很强的麻醉剂和另外两种镇静剂。Jackson died last year after being given a powerful anesthetic and two other sedatives.

抗肿瘤作用具有对肿瘤组织的靶向作用,可集中药力杀死癌细胞。Antitumor. It has targeting function to tumor tissue and can focus on killing cancer cell.

目的探讨新药力比泰治疗晚期非小细胞肺癌毒副反应的对症护理措施。Objective To explore the nursing of harmful side effects of Alimta in treating terminal NSCLC.

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LSD首度声名大嗓,是因为其仅服用极少药量,即可使人产生妄想和精神病的药力。LSD first won fame for its power, in microscopic doses, to induce hallucinations and a psychotic state.

临床中辨证运用这些引经药物,使诸药药力集中于某一部位,直达病所,会对疾病的治疗起到事半功倍的效果。Differing usage of the messenger drugs can make all drugs focus on one position which will have a very well effect.

尽管有些药物的安定效果比镇静效果保持的时间长,后者的潜在药力会迅速衰减。Although some pills retain their tranquillising powers longer than their sedative capacity, the latter potential rapidly wears off.

理论计算了氧平衡,采用最小自由能法计算了单基发射药的爆温、爆热、火药力和燃气组成。The oxygen balance, flame temperature, explosion heat, specific energy and gas component were calculated by the minimum free energy method.

它对CNS具有很好的耐药力,这种发作偶尔有报道,因此,它可以对有脑膜炎的病人使用高剂量。It is well tolerated by the CNS, with seizures reported infrequently, and can therefore be used at high doses and in patients with meningitis.

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本研究中分别应用自拟健脾化痰方、化痰方、健脾方及西药力平脂进行治疗。In this study were to be applied since the invigorating spleen to remove phlem, remove phlem, invigorating spleen and western medicine lipanthyl treatment.

弗里曼在加州洪堡郡长大,这是个沿海农村地区,就在旧金山背面,当地标志性的产品是高大的红杉树和药力强劲的奇妙大麻。Freeman grew up in Humboldt County, a rural region up the coast from San Francisco that's known primarily for its gigantic redwoods and prodigious, powerful crops of marijuana.

拥有一个令人喜爱的名号和充满神奇药力的普洱茶,被认为由公元8世纪的马帮商人发明,他们把茶叶压缩成砖为了方便运输。A favorite of emperors and imbued with vague medicinal powers, Pu’er was supposedly invented by eighth-century horseback traders who compressed the tea leaves into cakes for easier transport.