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——我也能感觉到,她也半真半假地说。I can feel yours, she lied.

这就是称为半真半假的言辞。That's called a half-truth.

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“无缘无故”只能说是半真半假。The half-truth is “unprovoked”.

他告诉我的只是些半真半假的货色罢了。What he told me was only half-truth.

但我对半真半假纠纷是所有化为乌有。But my tangle of half-truths was all for naught.

——我能感觉到一颗美好的心在跳动,他半真半假地说。I can feel your beautiful heart beating, he lied.

谎言,借口,半真半假的陈词,一切都是欺骗。Lies, evasions, and half truths. All are deceits.

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半真半假的谎言是最坏的谎言。A lie that is half-truth is the darkest of all lies.

而在这个电视机时代,真相更难赶上半真半假的说词了。With television today, truth ever catches up with half-truth.

当然,每个女人都知道,这样的保证历来半真半假。But as every woman knows, assurances like that are only half true.

我半真半假地打了几下自己的腿,然后对他微微一笑。I gave my legs a couple of half-hearted blows and smiled winningly.

政策制定者们常常嘲笑外交家的承诺和半真半假的说辞。Policymakers often sneer at diplomats for their compromises and half-truths.

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他自己的那些书和回忆录都是掺杂着半真半假的叙述和彻头彻尾的编造的大杂烩。His own books and memoirs are a farrago of half-truth and out-right invention.

不要讲半真半假的谎话,真相大白时还指望别人相信你。Don't tell half-truths and expect people to trust you when the full truth comes out.

我向来认定,简历外充斥灭遁辞、半真半假的现实和彻头彻尾的谎话。I had always assumed CVs were riddled with evasions, half-truths and downright whoppers.

所以我们发明了很多自认为有理的辩护,这些辩护成了半真半假的陈词、偏见和荒诞的说法。So we've contrived various justifications that turn out to be half-truths, prejudices or myths.

网络正在嘲弄法律和禁令,网络充满着谎言,歪曲和半真半假。The network is making a mockery of legal injunctions and the web is full of lies, distortions and half-truths.

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这一数码真的可能如许低吗?我向来确定地认为,简历中充斥着遁辞、半真半假的究竟以及彻头彻尾的谎话。Can the figure really be that low?I had always assumed CVs were riddled with evasions, half-truths and downright whoppers.

这一数字真的可能这样低吗?我向来认定,简历中充斥着遁辞、半真半假的事实和彻头彻尾的谎话。Can the figure really be that low?I had always assumed CVs were riddled with evasions , half-truths and downright whoppers.

科学家们唯一担心的就是意外突发事故并造成混淆和半真半假的结果。What the scientists are afraid of is an unforeseen accident and its sudden regulatory consequences amid confusion and half-truths.