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新买的雪花膏用着行吗?Is the newly bought cream OK with you?

仅使用水基润滑剂,不要用凡士林、雪花膏或者油。Use only water-based lubricants, not petroleum jelly, cold cream or oils.

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凯蒂将在门边用一个有雪花膏和奶油糖果味的吻迎接他。Katy would meet him at the door with a kiss flavoured with cold cream and butterscotch.

夏天,在日光浴前,外露部位应涂抹润肤油或雪花膏。Summer, before sunbathe, appear place should oil of daub embellish skin or vanishing cream.

不管是雪花膏、谷物早餐还是家庭用品,仅仅可用的选择就很多。The sheer number of options available—whether it's face cream, breakfast cereal, or appliances—can be overwhelming.

佛手瓜可以加工成凉果、瓜泥、饮料、雪花膏等多种产品,有很好的开发利用前景。The chayote can be processed to preserves, jam, and beverage, etc. , which indicates a promising deep processing and marketing prospect.

我憎恶那不像子君鞋声的穿布底鞋的长班的儿子,我憎恶那太像子君鞋声的常常穿着新皮鞋的临院搽雪花膏的小东西!I hated the little wretch next door who used face-cream, often wore new leather shoes, and whose steps sounded all too like those of Zijun.

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设计了雪花膏、洗发香波、冷烫剂三种化妆品的配方,制备了此三种化妆品,并进行了理化性能检测。The authors designed the prescription of vanishing cream, shampoo and cold wave pharmaceutical and prepared these three kinds of cosmetics.

中药外用方浙贝母、白芨、附子各适量,研粉,加入雪花膏中,早晚各搽于面部。Chinese Fritillaria external side, White RB, Fuzi the right amount, and research, powder, cream to join in sooner or later the paint on the face.

如果你认为这样做太麻烦,那么,当你长时问呆在有冷气设备的场所时,就请抹一些保湿性雪花膏,以保持皮肤表而的水分。If you think this is too troublesome, then, when you ask to stay there long air-conditioned places, please wipe some moisture cream to keep skin and the water table.

较详细地介绍了唇膏、胭脂、眉笔、睫毛膏、香水、雪花膏、冷霜以及乳液类化妆品的选购方法。Buying and selecting methods of cosmetics, such as lipstick, rouges , eyebrow pencil, eye black, perfume, vanishing cream, cold cream, and the emulsions were introduced in detail.

每年,象牙香皂,象牙雪花膏,佳洁士牙膏,佛吉斯咖啡以及其他数百种宝洁公司旗下的产品的销售额超过了三百亿美元。Annual sales of Ivory Soap, Ivory Snow, Crest toothpaste, Folger's coffee, and the hundreds of other products now marketed under the Proctor & Gamble umbrella exceed thirty billion dollars.