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这是一个可提升的属性。A promotable property.

摄像头也有很大提升。Camera is much-improved.

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哭能提升情绪。Crying can elevate mood.

飞行里数绩分提升。No Mileage Plus upgrade.

提升大众对器官捐赠的认受性。To promote organ donation.

他被提升为厂长。He was promoted to director.

紧实松垮肌肤、眼部提升。Compaction skin, eye upgrade.

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它真是名副其实的士气提升器。It was a real morale-booster.

混凝土由升降机提升。Concret was raised by a hoist.

我真的需要这样的提升吗?Do I really need this upgrade?

这样我们提升压强。So we're raising the pressure.

提升自己,即向高峰挑战。To improve is to aim for high.

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你渴望不断提升自我吗?Do you desire self-enhancement?

你如何提升自尊?How do you increase self-esteem?

这种疾速成型的过程提升了口感。The speedy process boosts taste.

利用所配置的提升凸耳。Use lifting lugs where provided.

提升射速和弹夹容量。Advanced rapid-fire and capacity.

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一些人提升到别的营里。Some promoted to other battalions.

这个职员期望得到提升。The clerk is looked to be promoted.

她的高尚提升了我们的灵魂。And her nobility elevates our souls.