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精彩的一门课。Excellent class.

祝大家上堂精彩的课。And have a good class.

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我爱精彩。我们是一个!I love EXO. We are one!

真是一场精彩的比赛。It was a real nail biter.

衷心感谢楼主分享精彩电影!Thank you for the sharing!

他的发言很精彩。He made a brilliant speech.

把茶壶精彩的茶。Teapots make wonderful tea.

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哇!真场精彩电影!Wow! That'sfantastic movie!

因为这些论文都非常精彩。Because these things are good.

更多精彩的图片就在。More eye-catching pictures at.

那真是一场精彩的音乐会!Wasn't it a marvelous CONCERT!

请收看他的精彩旅程,从0到42公里!Watch her journey from 0-42km!

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那么,我怎能说我活得精彩?Well, how can I say I'm alive?

实在是精彩的线描绘画。It was such fine line painting.

老虎伍兹一杆进洞真是精彩绝妙的推。Tiger woods make a hole in one.

我心情很高兴想去看部精彩的电影。I'm in the mood for a good film.

有了你,我的一生才精彩!!With you, my life was wonderful!

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他扮演奥赛罗精彩极了。He does Othello most excellently.

盾牌座的来历很精彩。Scutum has a fascinating history.

台北花博精彩可期!Taipei Flower Expo brilliant show!