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哪有这些丫鬟们张狂的余地。Which have these waiter girls rude leeway.

带者瘟疫肆虐张狂,直把婚礼变成灵堂。And blights with Plagues the Marriage hearse.

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天若赐我辉煌,我定比天张狂。If you give me glory days, I set the day than it.

打开报纸,你会发现年轻人张狂冲动。Read the newspaper and you'll find youth on the rampage.

但是大部分的时候,他们没那么张狂。But for the most part, there isn't all that much to shake.

想要张狂地尖叫,但是智慧和自律总会将之代替。To want to scream obscenities, but to wiser and more disciplined than that.

一如岁月中隐忍着的幸福,不张狂,举手投足间悄然绽放。Just as happiness born in the years, not insolent, the every act and move blooms quietly.

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那天晚上,一个张狂的性文明断成员和误劫持索菲。That day in the evening, the sexual civilization of an insolent is broken member and hijack Suo Fei by accident.

舍神剑张狂、大气,也是七剑中最有生命力、最坦荡的剑法。Excalibur Zhangkuang homes, the atmosphere, Seven Swords is the most viable, the most magnanimous of swordsmanship.

姜敏浩看着李俊熙不知为什么就是生气,他警告李俊熙不要太张狂,其只不过是一只会长使唤的狗。Looked at Li Junxi Jiang Minhao somehow is angry, he warned Li Junxi dont too insolent, its just a boss, President of the dog.

在日本北部的岩手县,海啸在这里沿着海岸冲出了一条条狭窄的谷道,张狂地显露出它的破坏力。Here in Japan’s northern Iwate prefecture, the tsunami was funneled up narrow coastal valleys, amplifying its destructive power.

华班查猜到是皮特派人干的,正合他心意,就让阿展再张狂一些吧,再过不久,他的末日就到了。Check guess China class is Peter sent people did it, is right up his intention, let the exhibition puffed up some more, soon, his doom.

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我要谦卑,不断学习,努力创新。不骄傲,不张狂,不自满,不对新事物还没尽力尝试就断然拒绝。I must be modest. I must keep learning and innovating. I will never be arrogant or insolent. I will never reject new things before trying them.

爱是不嫉妒。爱是不自夸。不张狂。不作害羞的事。不求自己的益处。Love is not jealous, it does not brag, does not get puffed up, does not behave indecently, does not look for its own interests, does not become provoked.

或以张狂的姿态踩在代表着传统文化的青花大鱼缸上,或跳着自得其乐的舞蹈,或一脸不屑地按首挺胸。She stands on the fish tank which represents the traditional culture with exaggerated gesture, enjoying herself by dancing, and her face is full of contempt.

他们说卡扎菲几分钟前还在那,然后被押解到森严的敞篷军车上去往米苏拉塔,在这之前,在这个镇是他的拥护者张狂的地方。They said Gadhafi had been there until minutes before and loaded onto a caravan of vehicles bound for Misrata, a town his loyalists had brutalized earlier this year.

吊灯挂在半空中,如等待幸福来临的那一刻,悬着,兴奋着,忍隐着内心的张狂与个性。Chandelier hanging in the air, such as waiting for the arrival of that happy moment, hung, excitement with forbearance hidden a profound inner insolent and personality.