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李明是一个名符其实的劳动榜样。Li Ming is a model stayer worthy of the title.

当今体育用品行业中,耐克和阿迪达斯是名符其实的巨人。Nike and Adidas are two leading heads among sports goods.

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Martino的研究领域被称为“神经经济学”,可谓名符其实。De Martino's field of study is aptly named neuroeconomics.

列夫钦科真的成了名符其实的囚徒了,这太不象样子。Levchenko was a veritable prisoner, which was not healthy.

在这木棚里工作是很不容易的,这木棚冬天是个名符其实的冰箱。It was not easy in the shed , in winter it was a veritable ice-box.

我马上买了一台旧的手动打字机,感觉自己颇象一位名符其实的作家。I immediately bought a used manual typewriter and felt like a genuine writer.

然后它就仅仅是一个名符其实的交通工具,失去了它的光彩。Then it’s really no more than a means of transportation, it too loses its luster.

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彩棉是名符其实的绿色环保产品。Colour cotton is an accord with actually product of green environmental protection.

海伦跟一位名符其实的律师谈起法律时,感到自己如坠五里雾中。When Helen started to discuss law with a real lawyer, she found herself in deep water.

这种名符其实的负重动物可载重达半吨的负荷每天行走30英里。This veritable beast of burden can walk 30 miles a day carrying a load that weighs half a ton.

哪支新歌唱队被誉为去年主要乐队的名符其实的追随者?Which new singing group is being touted as the worthy followers of the leading band of last year?

在互联网的帮助下,只要下点功夫,你就能够成为名符其实的英语福尔摩斯。With a little work and an Internet connection, you can be a veritable Sherlock Holmes of English.

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简单地说,一个人可以活得好好地,周围的任何人、事、物都不能困住他、迷惑他,那么,他就足以称为一位名符其实的自由人了。In a nutshell, he, who can live well and can't be obsessed with anything and anyone, is a free man.

他根据中国的宪法寻求在中国疆界之内名符其实的自治。He seeks genuine autonomy within the borders of China, and in accordance with the Chinese Constitution.

许多人失业,名符其实地感到害怕——害怕失去他们的家园和医疗保险。Lots of people were unemployed and genuinely afraid—afraid of losing their homes and their health insurance.

名符其实的专业发展需要奋斗,犠牲,诚实的,往往是痛苦的自我评估。The development of genuine expertise requires struggle, sacrifice, and honest, often painful self-assessment.

早期的葡萄牙海员在名符其实的“骷髅海岸”翻了船,把这里的内陆称作“地狱的沙漠”。Early Portuguese mariners who wrecked on its aptly named Skeleton Coast dubbed its hinterland "the sands of hell".

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职初期是教师真正步入教师职业、成为一名名符其实教师的起始时期。The initial professional stage is the beginning that teachers enter into teaching career and become a true teacher.

我的研究对象------美惠,原本是个名符其实的职业妇女,后来因为小女儿很难照料,于是,她就辞掉工作而成为全职家庭主妇。Because of having difficulties in taking care of a youngest daughter, Bay-bay, the mother decided to quit the full-time job.

名符其实的狼蛛便埋伏在森林地面,靠的敏锐眼力寻找捕捉并杀死昆虫猎物。The apply-named Wolf spider skulks on the forest floor, relying on its sharp eyesight to pursue, capture and kill its insect prey.