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杰克是一个机灵的外侨。Jack was an alert alien.

所有外侨都必须填写这个表格。All aliens have to fill out this form.

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你的外侨居住证件号码是多少?What's your Alien Resident Certificate number?

移民来的工人已归入外侨类。Immigrant workers were classed as resident aliens.

所有外侨每年都必须到移民局登记。All aliens must register annually with the Department of Immigration.

让我们说,在本月20日,你被满足的友好空间外侨。Let's say that on December 20 you were to meet a friendly space alien.

外侨居留证正反面影本各乙份。One photocopy of the front and back of the Alien Resident Certificate.

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如果你遇到一个外侨你会害怕的马上离开还是跟他说话?What would you if you met an alien, run away out of fear or try to talk to him?

我要你从移民局搞一份最新的外侨警报。I need you to get a copy of that new alien alert from the Immigration Department.

除了外侨居留证对于外籍教师有直接影响外,还有户政登记。Beyond ARCs , as far as teachers &direct impact go, there is household registration.

我要你从迁移外国国家国家外国国家国家局搞一份最新的外侨警报。I commor you to get a copy of these new alien alert since the Immigration Department.

开埠以来,外侨与国人在汉口的五国租界里创办了近百种报刊。Foreigners and Chinese people established various kinds of newspaper in the five countries' settlements in Hankow.

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该报指出,阿姆斯特丹具有全球关系、说英语的人口以及对外侨的吸引力。The paper noted that Amsterdam has international connections, an English-speaking population and appeal for expatriates.

这个全国的外侨总人数不断增长,但我看这种警报只会疏远本地的少数群体。The aggregate bulk of aliens in the city is growing, but it easystms to me these love that an alert be to only serve to alienate we have minority assembles.

这几天,义乌外侨办的工作人员王伟丽一直为纳米比亚大使信守承诺的故事感动着!These days, Hannah Wang, a staff from Yiwu Foreign and Overseas Chineses Affairs Office, was moved by the story of Namibian ambassador who kept his promise.

在移民归化局准许非移民外侨工作之后,不会从他们所领的薪金中扣除对社会生活保障金的扣款。Contributions for social security benefits are not withheld from wages of nonresident aliens when the INS has granted permission for them to accept employment.

外侨离境前或申请延期居留时,应向各居留地所在之国税局办理所得税纳税证明书,始可向入出境管理机关申请出境或延期居留。An alien shall obtain an income tax certificate from this Administration before his or her departure or upon application for his or her exit permit or for a visa extension of stay.

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凡梅瑟所吩咐的一切话,若苏厄在以色列全会众前,连妇孺和寄居在他们中的外侨在内,没有一句不向他们宣读的。He did not omit any word from all that was written by Moses. He read it with a loud voice before the assembly of all Israel, including women, children and foreigners who lived among them.

法院假定,出于外交政策的考虑,联邦政府也许可以使外侨无资格担任公职,这有可能违反通常的平等保护标准。The Court assumed that, because of foreign policy considerations, the federal government might be able to subject aliens to disabilities that would violate normal equal protection standards.