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这个个讲话激起了愤怒,点燃了反对派对他进行武装斗争的导火线。The speech caused anger that fuelled the armed rebellion against him.

做这事的人希望看到战争,这个要人的死会成为导火线。For those who wish to see war, this man's death could light the tinder.

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这种炸弹看上去像一个铸造简单的铁球,在顶端有一根导火线。Grenades are a simple cast iron ball, with a fuse sticking out of the top.

这时候,导火线引然爆炸点,然后就会有烟火。At that point, the fuse ignites the bursting charge, which explodes the shell.

压力,家庭冲突,财务和工作问题仅仅只是被提及的一些导火线。Stress, family conflicts, financial and work problems are only a few to mention.

投资银行的成功已经点燃了关于银行发放奖金问题的导火线。The success of the investment banks has reignited the row over bankers’ bonuses.

心理学博士海瑞丝说,“大多数情况下,压力是恶梦的导火线。"Most of the time, they're triggered by ongoing stress, " says Shelby Harris, PsyD.

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1979年北约“双重决议”是这次欧洲反核和平运动的导火线。In 1979, the Twin Track Decision of NATO caused this European anti- nuclear peace movement.

这种臭名昭著的导火线极不可靠,提早爆炸很可能令掷弹兵死在自己的炸弹手里。Fuses are notoriously unreliable, and grenadiers can die as their own bombs explode prematurely.

二次“倒孙风潮”不过是光复会重组的导火线而已。The two trends of overthrowing Sun Yat-sen were merely a fuse of reorganization Restoration League.

这些事件的导火线是在伊拉克阿拉伯人和库尔德人之间的“触发线”。Flashpoints, particularly along a "trigger line" between Iraq's Arabs and Kurds, threaten the peace.

这些事件的导火线是在伊拉克阿拉伯人和库尔德人之间的“触发线”。Flashpoints, particularly along a “trigger line” between Iraq's Arabs and Kurds, threaten the peace.

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沃尔玛突然变成美国举国上下,一场关于公正和资本主义辩论的导火线。Wal-Mart has suddenly become a lightning-rod for a new national debate about justice and capitalism.

止赎权时常是自杀的导火线,甚至会引起更惨的结果——杀人后自杀,毁掉了一个个完整的家庭。Foreclosure is often the trigger for suicide -- or, worse, murder-suicides that destroy entire families.

另一篇社论又说道,华盛顿解决其死亡定时炸弹的方式不过是把导火线又延长了一英尺。Another editorial said Washington's solution to a dead-time bomb was to make the fuel just one inch longer.

但是对伊朗的核项目的担忧仅仅是随时可能引发战争的导火线之一。But fear of Iran’s nuclear programme is only one of the fuses that could detonate an explosion at any moment.

大多数人会忽视那些让他们受损的事,但是接受这些导火线能使你更不易被它们所影响。Most people ignore what makes them vulnerable, but accepting these triggers makes you less susceptible to them.

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由于东北库尔德和逊尼阿拉伯地区之间存在的一触即发的“导火线”,和平局势也因此不堪一击。Peace is shakiest along the “trigger line” that runs between the Kurdish and Sunni Arab areas in the north-east.

我开始相信通过整个世界迎来春天和夏天的绿色导火线本质上是一种文学能量。I came to believe the green fuse that drives spring and summer through the world is essentially a literary energy.

Higgins称,"引发这个现象的导火线可能是,更多经济疲弱的迹象,以及通胀本身下降的信号.""What might trigger that is further signs of economic weakness and signs that inflation itself is subsiding," Higgins said.