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现在,设计基础事故。Now, design basis accidents.

这门学说的基础很稳固。The theory is well grounded.

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这是我们WAG的基础。This is the basis of our WAG.

是基础还是门面?A foundation or just a facade?

基础泪液分泌测定值。Value of basal tear secretion.

在北方邦的所有政治基础就是种姓。All UP's politics is caste-based.

全部工序的基础是从制胎开始的。All steps begin with mold-making.

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基础体温的变化。Change in basal body temperature.

更为糖酒会奠定了基础。More rum will lay the foundation.

奠定我国宪法的基础是什么?Of what is our Constitution made?

或奠下伟大基础,要留芳万代。Or laid great bases for eternity.

后勤基础结构的规模评估Sizing back-office infrastructure

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数据库系统基础教程。A first course in database system.

这章是本研究的理论基础。It is the rationale of this study.

你知道,这是很好的基础。You know, it's a great foundation.

床身是车床的基础件。The bed is the backbone of a lathe.

收付实现制或现金基础法Cash accounting method or cash basis

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你认识编程的基础知识吗?Do you know the ABCs of programming?

教你所有的基础技能It teaches you all your basic skills

现在,将基础层添加到地图。Now add your base layers to the map.