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我——只是声轻喊。I-but a cry!

我只是开始。I just began.

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只是焊工?Just welders?

只是一点点。Just a smidge.

他只是凝视着。He just stares.

我只是旁观。I just watched.

我只是一个空谈者。I was a Talker.

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我只是幸运一点。I am just lucky.

我只是想要果酱。I just need jam.

我只是说说而已。I’m just sayin’.

这些只是宣传。It is propaganda.

她只是有点心烦。She's just upset.

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他只是选择了你。He just chose you.

我只是一个漫画家。I am a cartoonist.

我只是随便问问。I was just asking.

只是一念之差的事情!Just an idea away!

不关性的事,只是爱情。Not sex, but love.

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她只是在开玩笑。She`s only joking.

怕只是一霎间。Afraid I was wrong.

面包只是食具。Bread is a utensil.