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枪炮喷吐出火舌。The gun spits fire.

枪炮又发出砰砰声。The guns boomed again.

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这种新枪炮都加有来复线。Such new arms are rifled.

枪炮整夜隆隆作响。The guns banged all night.

枪炮轰鸣声震耳欲聋。The gun roared deafeningly.

枪炮向敌人猛烈开火。The guns belched at the enemy.

瓦撒上的枪炮提供了铁。Vasa 's guns supplied the iron.

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在枪炮下跪饶的,是我的毅力。In the guns knees is my determination.

战场上枪炮林立。The battlefield was bristled with guns.

枪炮以隆隆声表示对进攻的回答。The guns boomed out an answer to the attack.

他们听见枪炮整夜连续轰击。They heard the guns blasting away all night.

这笔买卖已记录在枪炮制造人的日志里了。The sale is noted in the gunsmith's log-book.

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我们也听过日本人放弃枪炮。We've heard about the Japanese giving up guns.

他们被招募到宫廷卫队当枪炮手。They were enrolled in the royal guard as gunners.

你是否已经厌倦了在枪炮和导弹类型的塔防游戏?Tired of tower defense games of guns and rockets?

但是错误观念无法被枪炮所消除。But wrong perceptions cannot be removed by guns and bombs.

次声武器与传统的枪炮不同。The infrasonic weapon and the traditional arms is different.

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这个他们为了保卫自己城市而在上面战斗过设有枪炮眼仍然完好无损。The battlement on which they fight to defend their city is still intact.

枪炮轰鸣,炮弹和子弹到处乱飞。Guns were firing, and shells 1 and bullets2 were flying about everywhere.

这个他们为了保卫自己城市而在上面战斗过设有枪炮眼仍然完好无损。The battlement on which they fought to defend their city is still intact.