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这些在最近的综论中已列出一览表。These have been listed in a recent review.

“大学主修科目成果一览表”2。University major subject result data sheet 2.

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你可以去看看免税物品一览表。You can check the list of duty-free articles.

在一览表上列出的商品的卖价。You can check the list of duty-free articles.

财政法中的一览表,在此表中列出对股息的征税。You can check the list of duty-free articles.

以死亡金属著称的音乐流派终极版一览表。Finally a list about the great music known as death metal.

见本章开头的综合一览表。See the general checklist at the beginning of this chapter.

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要求你的病人制定好肿瘤相关事件的一览表。Ask the patient for a schedule of his cancer-related events.

该报纸发布证券交易所每日股票买卖的一览表。The paper publish a daily list of stock exchange transaction.

那么,向下滚动一览表,说说你知道几个吧。So, scroll down the list and then tell us how many did you already know?

各游学团及夏令营内容简述请细阅附件「暑期游学团及夏令营一览表」。Please read the appendix for details of the study tours and summer camps.

前台有地图和观鸟地点一览表可供拿取。A map and a bird-watches' field checklist are available at the front desk.

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下表为壳牌加适达产品一览表。The following table provides a quick reference for Shell Cassida products.

现在登陆StarVA.com可免费获得“外包软件一览表和免费贴士”。Visit to grab your free ‘Outsourcing Checklist &Free Tips’ now!

各城市的协议酒店请参考附件“欧姆龙协议酒店一览表”。Please see the annex Omron Contract Hotels Listing for hotels in each city.

它在18世纪由法国天文学家Messier首次编入当时的“一览表”里,因此而得名。It was first cataloged in the 18th century by the French astronomer Messier.

要考虑的议案一览表上第一项就是关于收养服务的议案。The list of bill to be consider is headed by the bill on the adoption service.

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使用一个任务控制模式的一览表,将邮件使用的错误减至最低。Use a mission control style checklist process to minimize deployment mistakes.

罗斯科研究盈方一览表就象作曲家熟读乐谱。Roscoe can read a profit and loss statement the way a symphonist reads a score.

在第二标签、有一列没有和子项简而言之提取这员工的一览表。In the second tab, there is a list of absences and leaves that were taken by the employee.