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我们全队只有人人各尽所能才能取得成功?。We can succeed only if everyone in the team pulls his weight.

各尽所能、各得其所、和谐相处“是对劳资关系性质的重新定位。It is the re-orientation for the character of labor-capital relations.

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细胞听到它,而它们会各尽所能,以确保它再次发生!The cells hear it, and they'll do their best to make sure it happens again!

各尽所能共同发展是公司全体成员的共同目标。Doing our best for the common development. all company's of the members common goal.

各尽所能,按需分配从根本上说是个不错的主意。"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" is a fundamentally good idea.

国王相信利物浦队中的团结协作让每个人都各尽所能,发挥出色。Kenny Dalglish is convinced Liverpool's team unity has been the catalyst for individuals to shine.

我们必须发挥自己的作用,遵守肩负共同、差异化责任和各尽所能的原则。We must all do our part, in line with the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities.

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我们要通过持之以恒的努力,创造更多的就业机会,让广大劳动者各尽所能、各得其所。We will work tirelessly to create more job opportunities and to enable workers to tap their full potential and find suitable jobs.

社会主义和谐社会是一个能使全体人民各尽所能、各得其所而又和谐相处的社会。Socialism harmonious society is a can make all the people are each exhausted ability, each gets what he needs and harmonizing of society.

只要大家一起努力,各尽所能,那么我们就一定会走进期盼的未来!As long as everyone works hard together, as long as each individual does their utmost, then we can certainly walk into the future we hope for.

勃朗说理想国,应建立在这样的原则上,以下由我引用,各尽所能,按需分配“Blanc said the ideal society is based on the principle of, and now I quote, "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs."

因此对领导者而言,领导风格随著时代改变,应该著重引导和鼓励使组织内员工们各尽所能,发挥能力。As a result, leaders should put emphases on inducing and encouraging employees to make their efforts to do what they ought to do well in the changing world.

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我们都各尽所能地努力着,我们深入黑暗势力的兽穴,围捕他们,替换他们,搞乱他们的计划,我们已经取得了重大进展。We all do our parts and we go into the dens of the dark ones and round up these and replace those and mess up and shred their plans and great progress has been made.

正如宪法所期许的一样,执法、立法和司法部门正自由地、各尽所能地影响国家的安全政策。As the Constitution intends, the executive, legislative and judicial branches freely used all of their powers to struggle for influence over national security policy.

只要合作博弈得以实现,企业乃至整个社会就能形成各尽所能、各得其所、和谐相处的局面。Once it is realized, the enterprise, and even the whole society , will see a situation of work according to ability, each in his proper place and coexistence in harmony.

红旗飞舞,走光明路,各尽所能,各取所需,不分贫富贵贱,责任唯互助,愿大家努力齐进取。The red flag flying, light path, from each according to his ability, to get, regardless of rich and poor alike, responsibility only mutual aid, wish hard everyone together and progress.

擅长运用多渠道策略的公司使用各种各样的渠道,如批发,存储,商品目录和互联网,目标不同,各尽所能。Companies thatexcel at executing a multi-channel strategy use different channels – wholesale, store, catalog, and the Internet – for different purposes, capitalizing on thecapabilities of each.