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取送电报的人进进出出。He prefers to send me telegrams.

他的工作就是送电报。His work was to deliver telegrams.

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我只是个送电报的,桑多瓦尔太太。I'm only a messenger, Mrs. Sandoval.

工人们在用电缆送电。The workers drive currents through the cables.

“桑多瓦尔太太,”送电报的说。"Mrs. Sandoval, "the messenger said, "the telegram says-"

她让送电报的又拿了一块糖。And she made the messenger take another piece of the candy.

接下来,给伴热回路送电,记录电流值。Then, connect heating loop to power and record current value.

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西文和戴庆民40号风机送电,11号风机安装电梯。Sylvain and Alex power up Pad 40, then mount elevator at Pad 11.

我们将在您缴电费后的48小时内安排送电。We'll resume power in 48 hours after you pay the electricity costs.

送电报的在罗莎·桑多瓦太太的房子前面下了自行车。The messenger got off his bicycle in front of the house of Mrs. Rosa Sandoval.

本文给出了电阻式传感器变送电路的一种优化设计方法。An optimum design method for resistive sensor conditioning circuit is given in this paper.

介绍了二次送电开关的结构、工作原理及优点。The composition and working principle, advantages of secondary power switch were introduced.

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“桑多瓦尔太太,”送电报的说,“电报上说——”但这时妇人打断了他的话。"Mrs. Sandoval, " the messenger said, "the telegram says —" But now the woman interrupted him.

为在送电线路铁塔基础中应用此类基础提供了一定的科学依据。The scientific evidences are provided for applying it to foundations for the power line towers.

通常,由不同变电站送电的线路之间无相互联接。Usually, there is no interconnection between the circuits energized by the various substations.

根据USP的要求,可用校验工具对传感器变送电路进行精确校验。A calibration tool is available to validate of the sensor electronics according to USP requirements.

介绍了语音电路在煤矿井下电机车自动停送电开关上的应用情况。Introduces the application of pronunciation, circuit to electric locomotive automatic switch in mine.

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我很抱歉一定要把这样一份电报给你送来,但这只是因为我的工作就是送电报。Sandoval. I'm very sorry I must bring you a telegram like this, but it is only because it is my work to do so.

同时阐述了全数字摄影测量在送电线路中的应用前景。At the same time narrate the application direction of whole digitized photogrammetric survey to transmission line.

公司取得国家送电、变电专项乙级设计资质。The company obtains the national power transmission, the power transformation special grade B design intelligence.