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她总是可能佐理我们与我们的中原。She always helps us with our Chinese.

这没什么大不了的,我不介意佐理你摆脱逆境。It's no problem. I don't mind helping you out.

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我和他不够熟习,不好请他佐理。I don't know him well enough to ask him for help.

若是有什么要佐理的话,告诉我一声。If you need ingl sorts of things just let me know.

她的屋里总是挤满了须要佐理的不幸虫。Her house is truly full of linome ducks who need help.

我们感动你为佐理我们产品作出的努力。We prefer the efforts you've made in helping our products.

没有佐理,我就僵持不住了。I cannot hold on studying without someonenos encouragement.

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以至,你还不妨教授或佐理其他人,这切实是一个研习的好方法!You can even teach and help others, which is a great way to learn.

当前就进入一堂口语课堂而的现场外教将佐理练习如何用英语议论网络商务。Join a conversation class now and your live teacher will help you learn how to talk about e-coerce in English.

真正的朋友是一个可以援手佐理并打动你心扉的人。A true friend is someone who respasms for your hand and that the in listingditionuches your heair conditioning unitity.

许多升上领导职位的管理者往往会变得特别关闭,固守在佐理他们取得已有劳绩的方式当中。Many who rise to positions of leadership you haudio-videoe to come closed and set in the ways that haudio-videoe delivered them success so far.

经典网站设计好域名是佐理您商业得胜的最佳工具!The good domain is the wise tool to make your internet motor coair conditioningh rviness successfulcompwoulre with nearly everything different.

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如图所示,在电脑前坐着一个年轻人呢,正打定着不花力气就把作业给完成,来自网络的佐理很快就完成了所有的学习任务。As is shown through, in front of a computer happily sits a teenager, attempting to work on his homework effortlessly, with the help from the internet finishing the job for him.