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不过,他也是一位锋芒毕露的办公室政治家。But he was also a hard-edged office politician.

锋芒毕露的身体可以用来描述狂喜。Hard-edged body can use to describe the ecstasy.

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发一个感谢的字条是锋芒毕露的重要格式。Sending a thank you note is an important way of standing out.

不要锋芒毕露。让主考控制面试过程。Display reserved confidence. Let the interviewer control the interview.

你握紧手中轻盈的长矛,尖端上石制的矛尖锋芒毕露。You're clutching a light spear with a sharp, pointed stone at the end of it.

剪刀般锋芒毕露的尾巴,让它得以乘风破浪、力挽狂澜。Scissor-like sharp tail facilitates it to ride wind , break waves and draw billows.

威廉在父亲的小店帮忙直到他的绘画才能锋芒毕露。William worked in his father's shop until his talent for drawing became so obvious.

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你得思考“什么会让你独具特色”,“如何让你锋芒毕露”,以及“怎样让别人记住你”。You must think about what makes you unique and how you can make yourself stand out and be remembered.

他的研究极具争议性,言论过于极端,写作风格经常锋芒毕露。His work features controversial and provocative claims, written in a direct–often confrontational–style.

她的行为总是锋芒毕露,棱角分明,这对那些敏感的人,有时难免产生伤害感情的作用。The edges of her conduct were so very clear-cut that for susceptible persons it sometimes had a knife-like effect.

国王肯尼最近发表意见坚称,路易斯。苏亚雷斯和安迪。卡罗尔的锋线组合需要磨合,一年之后必定锋芒毕露。Luis Suarez and Andy Carroll's partnership should be judged in a year's time, insists Liverpool manager Kenny Dalglish.

一类总是以毫无来由的推论,要把一切对于神的信仰击个粉碎,以此锋芒毕露。One class would be always thrusting themselves forward with unprovoked argumentation to cut to pieces all belief in God.

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相反,与其他革命性的信仰一样,它是抽象和锋芒毕露的,而且并不关心经验和。Instead, like any revolutionary creed, it is abstract, hard-edged, and indifferent to experience and existing conditions.

CT扫描在木乃伊研究中锋芒毕露,部分要归功于其独特的穿透功能使人们免予抛开那些远古的尸体了。CT scans have become a popular method for investigating mummies, in part due to concerns over unwrapping the ancient dead.

相反,与其他革命性的信仰一样,它是抽象和锋芒毕露的,而且并不关心经验和现有的条件。Instead, like any revolutionary creed, it is abstract, hard-edged , and indifferent to experience and existing conditions.

虽然电影中洛克的角色只是凯拉·奈特莉的副手,他还是靠本色演出就锋芒毕露。While Rourke's role in the film was second fiddle to Keira Knightley, he managed to make his character cool just by playing him.

虽然电影中洛克的角色只是凯拉·奈特莉的副手,他还是靠本色演出就锋芒毕露。While Rourke’s role in the film was second fiddle to Keira Knightley, he managed to make his character cool just by playing him.

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这位边锋里合同到期还有两年,几个月之前,他还并不清晰自己在葡萄牙人穆里尼奥手下能否锋芒毕露。The winger has two years remaining on his contract and, a few months ago, was unsure whether he would prosper under the Portuguese.

他在英国锋芒毕露,于1938年给荷李活罗致,赴美拍下多部脍炙人口的佳作,并于1956年成为美国公民。After making his name in Britain, he was recruited by Hollywood in 1938 and made many classics. He became a naturalized American citizen in 1956.

凭借达文波特式的精神,我们知道,她能主宰手中的小球,上站的惊绝之举,似乎已现她突入敌阵,锋芒毕露的本性。With her Davenport-esque style, we know she can club the ball, but she ran surprisingly well in Indian Wells and appeared to have shed a few pounds.