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他援用了一些中国话来解释他的论点。He quoted some old Chinese sayings to illustrate his points.

你援用这样或那样权利对你一点好处都没有。Your invocation of some right or other will do you no good at all.

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如今我们有艾什顿库奇站进去发言,援用玛雅历法。Now we have Ashton Kutcher speaking out, citing the Mayan Calendar.

后来英国的乔叟和意大利的卜伽丘在他们的小说中也援用了这些故事。They later migrated into the stories of Chaucer in England and Boccaccio in Italy.

“我希望援用我保持沉默的权利,先生,”斯米德斯反驳道。“ I should like to invoke my right to remain silent, sir,” Smithers defiantly replied.

厘清了行政法援用的制度归属。The dissertation clarifies the system ascription of the citation of administrative law.

但是,Szymczak说,在没有援用上述机制的情况下,最新的研究能够解释的洞穴形成过程。But the new study can explain cave formation without invoking such a mechanism says Szymczak.

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但是,Szymczak说,在没有援用上述机制的情况下,最新的研究能够解释的洞穴形成过程。But the new study can explain cave formation without invoking such a mechanism, says Szymczak.

他援用一位著名艺术评论家的话,为自己的绘画才气增加一点儿自决议信念。By quoting from a well-known art critic, he tried to add a bit of self-confidence to hellos talents.

首先,援用可靠的历史文献考证了那逊兰保的生年,世系。First , citation of reliable of historical documents verified Nasunlanbo's give birth to , pedigree.

本研究援用傅科「治理性」的概念,尝试解释现代性与民间信仰之间的吊诡。In this paper, we employ Foucault's concept of "governmentality" to solve the paradox between modernity and folk religion.

如果它要是那样,那么根据美国法律,以前关于Napster与文件共享的论战案例就可以援用。If it were, then under U.S. law, precedents such as those that resulted from the controversy over Napster and file-sharing could apply.

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配合社援用警方数据称,在九个辖区统共的殒命人数打到了398名。另据报道称有805名殒命职员未包括在内。The confirmed death toll stood at 398 in nine prefectures, Kyodo said, citing police. It reported that 805 people were unaccounted for.

如中国援用的措施不属价格机制措施,则中国会尽快将这些措施转为价格机制措施。If China resorted to measures that were not price-based, it would transform such measures into price-based measures as soon as possible.

它继续援用严格的财政政策和他与57个国家21条经济协议,展现出来的比巴西更加开放的经济状况。It maintains a strict fiscal policy and its 21 trade deals with 57 nations reflect an economy that is much more open than that of Brazil.

舞蹈和吼叫都是身体的表现,但只有舞蹈具有客观援用的符号。Both dancing and snarling are manifestations of bodily expressivity but only the former has the character of an objectively available sign.

弓裔对弥勒的信仰日益坚决固执,并且亲身编撰经典,援用为国度法典。The belief of maitreya bow descent, and increasingly resolutely stubborn personally compiled for the kingdom, avail himself of the classic code.

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当我们援用镜像映象模式时,我们基本上是先分析某一外部实体的的行为特征,然后在我们自己的系统中创建它的相似体。Basically, when we invoke the Mirror Image pattern, we analyze the behavior of an external entity and then create its likeness in our own system.

另外,一些州会援用他们自己的规定,如理财计划可以包括那些大学支出,持有人i可以多常获益以及获益多少。Additionally, states employ their own rules as to what college expenses are covered by the plan, and how often or how much a plan holder can contribute.

荷兰欧洲事件部长的讲话人阿挫·尼果莱的话被报纸所援用,他说郁金香和木鞋能够看上去“很美妙,但却很傻。”A spokesman for Dutch European Affairs Minister Atzo Nicolai was quoted as saying that tulips and wooden shoes might be seen as "nice, but totally nutty".