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教堂的墓地一阵雨。A churchyard shower.

我也在建造墓地。I constructed Necropolis.

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离胡格诺派的教会墓地不远。Huguenot churchyard near there.

躺在教堂后的墓地。And, in the church-yard cottage, I.

他糊里糊涂地走进了墓地。He walked numbly into the cemetery.

如果那两个已经在教堂墓地里躺着。If two are in the church-yard laid.

Thabor墓地,北依利诺州。Thabor Cemetery, northern Illinois.

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一道边门通往教堂墓地。A side gate led into the churchyard.

墓地发掘者打破了沉默。The grave-diggers broke the silence.

海格特墓地有马克思墓。The sea Gutt tomb has the Marx grave.

一个骆马和驴子骨头的墓地!A graveyard of llama and donkey bones!

他祖父葬于教堂的墓地。His grandfather lies in the churchyard.

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反过来L和进入圣潘克拉斯墓地。Turn L and enter St Pancras churchyard.

他们在教堂墓地里把死者埋葬了。They buried the corpse in the churchyard.

亚伯拉罕想要买哪块地作为墓地?What burial site did Abraham want to buy?

他的遗体葬在墓地。His remains were interred in the cemetery.

此时此刻,就有两个潜伏者隐藏在荒废的墓地里。Two of them lurked in the ruined graveyard.

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在她所居住的房屋旁是一片古旧的墓地。Well, next to her house is an old cemetery.

他希望被葬在祖坟墓地。He wished to be interred in the family grave.

地窖下布鲁内黎斯基的墓地。The tomb of Filippo Brunelleschi in the crypt.