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对于个体较小的猎物玉米蛇会直接吞食而不需要绞杀。However, corn snakes have also been observed swallowing small prey alive.

是鲁镇这个高度思想化的环境联合绞杀了祥林嫂。It was the Lu Town , this high ideological enviroment to unite strangling her.

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巨大的绞杀植物无花果树树根互相拥抱这破碎的塔布隆寺在吴哥窟。Giant strangler fig tree roots embrace the crumbling Ta Prohm temple at Angkor.

每次驱巫都是“英雄”与“群众”合谋对疯狂者的绞杀。Each exorcism all is strangling the mad to death by the "the hero" and "the crowd".

他们商讨以什么手段绞杀这场将导向一次总罢-工的八小时运动。They discussed means of killing the eight-hour movement which was to be ushered in by a general strike.

是爱,还是相互绞杀?玛莎。贝克来告诉你五种真正去获得真爱的方式。Is it love, or a mutual strangulation society? Martha Beck shows you five ways to get a real grip on the real thing.

统一的实体必须不时经历地震般的变革来适应世界,变革之一就是将其绞杀。A uniform entity must adapt to the world by occasional earth-shattering revolutions, one of which is sure to kill it.

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但是我们也需要去推动改革国会,以确保改革不会被这一判例所绞杀。But we also need to begin the process to change the Constitution to assure that reform can survive the Roberts Court.

埃塞克·海耶斯配音的大厨发动了更换南方公园旗帜的运动。旗上画的是四个白色的在绞杀一个黑色的人。The Isaac Hayes-voiced Chef launches a campaign to change the South Park flag, which depicts four white figures hanging a black one.

传统杀毒软件对木马几乎是不作为的,因此需要新的手段绞杀木马。The traditional software that reduce toxin is nonfeasance almost to the trojan, because this needs new method bowstring vaulting horse.

窒息持续5秒。暴雪控上的演示范了点小错误。窒息将和绞杀的持续时间一样,因为它代替了绞杀。Asphyxiate lasts 5 sec. There was a typo in the Blizzcon presentation. Asphyxiate is the same duration as Strangulate, which it replaces.

绞杀和思维冻结重复了,绞杀的冷却将提高,思维冻结则是快速的打断技。The same is true of both Strangulate and Mind Freeze. Strangulate"s cooldown is going to go up. Mind Freeze remains the quick interrupt."

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亚太经合组织成员的最新动向绞杀了12月气候变化会议产生有约束力的削减温室气体排放协议的希望。Recent moves by the APEC countries have killed hopes that the December climate change meeting will produce binding goals to cut greenhouse gases

对未来相当长的时期内欧美国家可能对我国使出的各种绞杀阴谋也不应该心存侥幸!During a long time in the future, we also should not take various strangulation and conspiracy possibly used by European and American countries for granted!

即使在那封建主义的绞杀下,在那帝国主义的炮火中,多少华夏儿女毅然用自己的青春和生命挺起了中华民族不屈的脊梁。Even in that strangling feudalism, in that fire of imperialism, many Chinese children to use their youth and life of the Chinese nation stood unyielding backbone.

事实上,即便是在这个最具“革命动因”的艺术形式上,真正的艺术家或精神的历险者亦恰在经受迂腐文化、陈旧体制的侵蚀、绞杀以及江湖术士、伪前卫们的遮蔽和诋毁。The reality is that the adventurous artists are being eroded by the old rotten culture and the old systems, and we are also attacked by the self-assumed artists and fake vanguards.

随着普鲁士占领法国,德法资产阶级通力合作,巴黎公社最后被联合的力量绞杀了。Under the Prussian occupation of France, the Paris Commune was ultimately crushed by an agreement and strategic understanding reached between the Germans and French organized capital.

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“死亡之组”一语与“无聊得要死”毫不相干,但这场引人瞩目、备受期待的比赛却着实成为一场真刀真枪却沉闷无趣的中场大绞杀。The expression group of death was not coined to suggest death by boredom, though this attractive and eagerly anticipated fixture only produced an earnest but tedious midfield struggle.

“这是一笔艰难的交易,但是我们避免了国有资产向海外转移,”他表示,“我们避免了金融绞杀计划,也避免了银行体系的崩溃。”"The deal is difficult but we averted the pursuit to move state assets abroad, " he said. "We averted the plan for a financial strangulation and for the collapse of the banking system.

第二天剑雄带兵赶到村庄,绞杀了所有倭寇后,剑雄抓了所有村民,并要诛杀时,闻道带着少林僧人出现,护住村民。Male troops arrived at the village on the second day sword, kill all the enemy, sword male grasped all the villagers, and so, when the scent with the shaolin monks, to protect the villagers.