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炉的排风机你开了吗?Did you turn the stove fan on?

现在,这里有了很多的风机。Now, the wind turbines are here.

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风机,水泵,风道,水管,风口。Fan, pump, air duct, water pipe, vent.

房舱风机效用试验。Cabin suply fan to be done function test.

配置多叶风机,风量大,噪音低。Configure multi-leaf fan, wind, low noise.

可扩展的–添加或移动的风机盘管当需要时。Scalable – add or move fan coils as needed.

可开启式风机外壳,便于维修。Fan case can be opened for internal maintenance.

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以毛刷向同一方向梳理后,风机吹干。Brushing as the same direction, dry with machine.

第40号风机调试由戴庆民和亚当来继续进行。Alex and Adam will carry on Commissioning at Pad 40.

水泵、风机均选用高效低噪声设备。Pump and motors are high efficiency & low noise type.

且利用大功率高压风机强力吹风使玻璃干燥。Using large power and high-pressure blower to dry glass.

所有风机转动是否平稳,有无异常。If the air fan rotates stably and if anything is abnormal.

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并说明其在引风机上具有广泛的应用前景。And its widespread application in exhaust fan is presented.

居住区内锅炉的风机不宜露天布置。Living area of the fan is unfavorable open boiler decorate.

我只能听到冰箱和排风机发出的白噪声。All I get is the white noise of refrigerators or fume hoods.

本文为轴流风机叶片设计提供了一种经济、简便、实用的方法。It shows that this method is economic, simple and practical.

催化重整装置风机在线监测系统。Online monitoring system for fan on catalyst reforming unit.

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直联式风机,无减速噪声。A straight connecting fan does not have speed reducing noise.

50台风机于2007年9月安装完毕。Installation of the turbines was completed in September 2007.

西文和戴庆民40号风机送电,11号风机安装电梯。Sylvain and Alex power up Pad 40, then mount elevator at Pad 11.