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我们都是具有前卫思想的人!We were so ahead of our time.

现在,他们的右前卫正在盘球前进。Now their inside right forward's dribbling.

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暗色调为夏日衣装带来前卫感。Dark shades bring edginess to summer dressing.

在那里,无论什么东西都很前卫。That's where the cutting edge of whatever it is.

邪恶是芬兰前卫的厄运金属乐队。Unholy was a finnish avantgarde doom metal band.

在学校的时候,你不属于前卫时尚的那群人。In school, you were excluded from the “in” group.

实验,重金属,碾核,前卫。Experimental, Heavy Metal, Grindcore, Avant-Garde.

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一些七○年代的漫画在何种意义上是「前卫的」?In what sense were some manga of the 1970s "avantgarde"?

还有比不可少的艺术作品,越前卫越好,图案感越强越好。And art – a must, the edgier or more graphic, the better.

这些整体上的不安衬托出你内心的前卫斗士。Bring out your inner she-warrior in these edgy ensembles.

否则,即使采用了前卫的形式,也仅是媚俗的伪艺术。Otherwise, although in avantgarde form, it is but Kitsch.

低腰的窄脚牛仔裤会让他觉得你太过前卫。Hip, edgy jeans make him think you're too cool for school.

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这样的话,版权许可就是一个非常前卫的创新。In that way, patent-licensing is very much pro-innovation.

它既代表了平易近人的特性,又象征着前卫的发展进步。It represented both the common touch and forward progress.

巴西前卫塞萨尔承认他希望回到拉齐奥。Brazilian wing-back Cesar admits he wants a return to Lazio.

穿上一条少女感十足的裙子搭配性感的上装会让人更前卫。Pair a girlier one with sexy-on-top stuff for an edgier vibe.

但是酷和前卫是典型的伦敦街头风格,but typical London street style would be, yeah, cool and edgy

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队长打算在下次比赛中让布朗踢左前卫。The captain wants to play Brown at left half in the next game.

时尚、经典、前卫、运动是LAMPO的品牌风格。The styles of LAMPO are "Fashionable, Classic, and Energetic".

所以,像纳希德这样前卫的方案才是解决这个难题的唯一可行之路。So a solution as radical as Mr Nasheed's may be the only answer.