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捷克钻匠心独运装饰,鞋子熠熠生辉。Czech drilling imaginative decorations, shoes shine.

这辆车刚造好时,其设计被认为是匠心独运。When the car was first built , the design was viewed as highly original.

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在三折页的设计上,良将匠心独运,别出心裁,精美图片的插入更是锦上添花。In the design of the three folding, him, classic, elegant picture insert more.

关良油画中的形、色、线等方面别开生面,匠心独运。The shapes, colors and lines in Guan's oil painting are arranged with originality.

用户体验设计者匠心独运,总是为新顾客将软件设计的更友好和实用。User experience designers are great at making software friendly and usable for new customers.

一个褶皱、一条腰线,甚至一颗纽扣都匠心独运,让人爱不释手。Line of an a drape, waist, even a button ingenuities carry alone, let a person fondle admiringly.

匠心独运的悬高拱形天花板赋予它淋漓尽致的空间感和采光效果。Cleverly crafted with soaring vaulted ceilings, it has a wonderful sense of space & light throughout.

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杜琪峰给出的结尾从技巧上而言晦涩阴暗,但其妥帖合理的发展却匠心独运。Johnnie To serves up an ending that's dull in execution, but ingenious in its fitting, logical growth.

这样的人情味作为诗人主观之意,便通过诗歌中匠心独运的意象营造显露无疑。Such feelings as subjective will of the poet are manifested to the full through creation of original conceptions.

维果茨基不仅是一位多产的理论心理学家,而且是一位匠心独运的方法论专家。Vygotsky was not only a prolific theoretical psychologist but a methodological expert in consummate craftsmanship.

此制作精巧﹐匠心独运的镀金中式算盘采用的是阿富汗白玉筹码。Masterly crafted to perfection, this exquisite Chinese abacus has gold plating and Afghanistan white jade counters.

可以说,“时间”问题的全新提出和“此在”问题的匠心独运都是为澄清“存在”问题服务的。We could say that renewing of question of "Time"and original creation of "Dasein"just work for the question of "Sein".

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刘禹锡的咏史怀古诗在取象与造境上匠心独运,技法高妙。Select scene and create imagery of Liu Yuxi's poetry about comment on ancient and history have unique, ultra-high writing practices.

缓缓地沿着宝马Z4走一圈,你就会发现其在角度、线条和折缝方面比大多数车型更匠心独运。Slowly walk around the Z4 and its shape will reveal more unique angles, lines and creases than found in most car-makers' entire fleets.

有时我不禁这样想,倘若有一天我们可以达成不着四六式自由,我们还能这么另辟蹊径和匠心独运吗?Sometimes I can’t help but wonder, if one day the June 4th kind of freedom were to arrive, would we still be so creative, so ingenious?

匠心独运的晚宴设计,细致入微的客户体验,相信这一充满欧文特色的夜晚,一定会让您收获多多,欧文全体员工期待您的光临!With our delicate planning and warm service, we firmly believe that you will experience a wonderful night. We sincerely welcome you here!

有了像萨克斯教授这样独出别致的观察视角,匠心独运的创造精神,再加上一些领导才能,我们实际上可以开始解决这些问题。With a different mindset and creativity and some leadership from the likes of Professor Sachs, we can actually begin to solve these problems.

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匠心独运、恰到好处地巧用色彩,既契合了主人的情趣爱好,又令家居还原了生活的五彩缤纷。Craftsmanship uses color carry, properly opportunely alone, agreed with master interest interest already, make household reductive again of the life colourful.

假若仅仅如此,山峰未免显得有些单薄和浮躁,画家匠心独运,将黑色夹杂其中,使山峰具有了人的气质。If so, the mountains appear a bit thin and impetuous. The painter shows his own ingenuity with black mottling. It makes the mountain owning human's temperament.

巴利的哲学是以固有的传统技术,加上现今科技技术融合,将皮料精细地表现出匠心独运的效果。The philosophy of Bally is to combine their existing techniques and craftsmanship together with new technology so as to show their uniqueness in making leather shoes.