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云层使太阳黯然无光。Clouds obscure the sun.

陈丰黯然退出。Chen Feng is exited cloudily.

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现在,王子看起来黯然无光,一片灰色。Now the Prince looks dull and grey.

这部电影真是让人黯然泪下。That movie was really a tearjerker.

明媚与黯然,是一层薄薄窗幔的距离。Bright and dim, is a layer of thin curtain distance.

第三天,我不想再为还不知道值不值得的事情而黯然伤神。I didn't tell when I was sleeping and when I was awake.

她也没让我送,一个人黯然地走了。She has not let me deliver, a person walked low-spirited.

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如果没有你,多好的春天也会黯然无光。Without you, the most pleasant spring will lose its luster.

艾斯特洛悲伤的目光望著他,黯然地郑重答应了。Estelow's grief-stricken voice and eyes gave a solemn promise.

没有哪个人值得你为他黯然哭泣,生命中的至爱是不会让你流泪心伤的。No one worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.

倘若失恋,多好的春天,也会黯然无光。When out of love, the most pleasant spring will lose its luster.

这部电影是对现代城市生活的黯然的描述。The film is a lugubriously paced reflection on modern urban life.

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看他神色有点黯然,不禁问他咋回事。Think he looks a bit dejected, can not help but ask him Zehui Shi.

零落残魂倍黯然,双垂别泪越江边。The ghost had scattered times, don't tear the double hanging river.

雨使雪化成了雪水,搞得山边景色黯然无趣。The rain turned the snow to slush and made the mountain-side dismal.

金珠知道自己这次又是空欢喜一场,便黯然离开了黑尸林。Kim knows he is empty a joy again, this time left the black cemetery.

巴尔于3月1日黯然辞职,他拒绝就这一痛苦经历公开发言。Barr resigned on Mar. 1 and declines to speak publicly about the ordeal.

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回忆的碎片,像花朵一样,黯然的漂进生命无形的河流。Fragments of memories, petals, floating forlorn, down life's winding stream.

没有一个人值得你为他黯然哭泣,生命中的至爱,是不会让你流泪心伤的。No mam or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.

那么,这样单纯的花季少女会像开败的花儿黯然凋零吗?But would this innocent and blossoming girl fade away like a withered flower?