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所以,这个聪明的年轻人,从他做矿工里的粗帆布概略的做了裤子。So the smart young man made pants for the miners out of his rough canvas.

本文概略地介绍了褐煤制活性炭的情况。An outline of general position on active carbons from lignites is presented.

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下面,我就这个文件的背景和主要内容向各位作个概略的介绍。Here, I would like to brief on the background and main contents of the document.

引言部分概略介绍了品钦的一些背景、经历、代表作及其文学地位。Chapter one explores Pynchon's scarce life experiences and his literary position.

概略地调查政治、经济、文化、宗教,社会和性别议题。Degrees examine politics, economics, culture, religion, society and gender issues.

文章从三个方面概略介绍了文献检索语言的基本知识。This paper briefly describes three basic knowledge of the language literature search.

梁式墙结构具有技术经济方面的优势,很值得重视,前文中已作了概略介绍。The beam wall structure has advantage of technology and economy and deserves attention.

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他补充说,该文件概略地陈述了该办公室应向这两个军种提供的支持。He adds that the document outlines the support that the office provides the two services.

窍门是避免大量的概略性论述并同时做得比都市新闻写作多。The trick is to avoid gross generalities and to do more than a piece of urban journalism.

本文对龙胆科獐牙菜属植物的化学和生理活性研究进行了概略的回顾。In this paper, we give a review of chemical and pharmacological activity study of Swr a L.

官方论坛,网站及相关概略内容也将再此期间有短期时间无法登陆。The forums, website, and Compendium may have short periods of downtime during this window.

图4概略表示出粗纺和精纺毛织物生产的工艺流程。Figure 4 outlines the operations that take place in woolen and worsted fabric manufacturing.

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概略地讲,这就是那些鼓吹“局部永生论”观点的人所要推荐的理论。That, roughly, is what those proposing an idea called partial immortalisation are suggesting.

我们第二天早晨开始了,并且有一个概略的星期搜寻和与亚帕基印第安人战斗。We started out the next morning, and had a rough week tracking down and fighting the Apaches.

概略600多英里以外的上海的美食以街边小吃而闻名,出格是灌汤包。Some 600-plus miles away, Shanghai is best known for its street food, especially soup dumplings.

您还将概略了解将在后续文章中介绍的体系结构视图。You'll also get an overview of the architecture views that will be covered in upcoming articles.

下面的讨论对该流程的业务逻辑进行了概略介绍和说明。The discussion that follows gives an overview and explanation of the business logic of the process.

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在整片美国土地上概略有1万个殖平易近者,而在新罕布什尔州只有戋戋几百人。There were perhaps 10,000 colonists in all of America, only a few hundred of them in New Hampshire.

对于RHCE和RHCT考试,在这一个章节中被概略说明的技术是通常最小的需求。For the RHCE and RHCT exams, the skills outlined in this chapter are generally minimum requirements.

概略评述了可生物降解聚合物聚天冬氨酸的性质、用途及合成研究情况。The properties, current applications and synthesis of biodegradable polyaspartic acid were described.