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这个丑女孩会服从他的同治。And the ugly chinese girls will obey his own "rules".

第六章题为“同治初年的新格局”。Chapter 6 is entitled "the new situation in the early Tongzhi's reign".

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现阶段中国的治国特点是“人法同治”。The current feature of running the country is to "rule by both man and law".

不同眼部问题的形成原因,然后采取“分管修复”理论,一药同治。The different eye problems, causes, and take" in charge of repair " theory, a method.

不同治则代表方药均不同程度地抑制BGC细胞增殖,且呈一定时效和量效关系。The present results showed that Chinese medicine contained serums could inhibit the growth of BGC cells.

1861年慈禧太后辛酉政变后垂帘听政,先后控制同治、光绪两位皇帝,成为当时中国的真正统治者,执掌清朝政权48年。In 1861, the Dowager Empress Cixi became de facto ruler of China, controlling the Qing government for 48 years.

他提出“毒病”说,遣方用药整体把握,标本兼治,身心同治,药食并举。He raised the theory of "poison leads to diseases" Also he administered medical herbs and prescription by global idea.

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在乾隆时期达到高峰,经过一段衰落以后,在同治和光绪时期又达到另一次高峰。It comes up to its peak in Qianlong period, after one decline with managment and up to another peak in Guang Xu period.

异病同治还需根据不同疾病的特点加减用药或延缩治疗时间。It is necessary to add or subtract medicine, to prolong or shorten the treating time with homotherapy for heteropathy to different diseases.

脑肠同治法的机理在于清心开窍、通腑泄热、调畅气机、输布津液、顿挫热势,揭示了中医开窍通腑法治疗发热的实质。The mechanism of brain-intestinal treatment are Regulating Qi Flow, Transporting and Distributing Body Fluid, and Paroxysmal Defeating Heat Force.

慈禧是咸丰的皇后,丈夫去世后,她成为了儿子同治的摄政者,后来她侄子光绪又受到她的垂帘听政。Cixi was a consort of Emperor Xianfeng. After her husband's death, she acted as regent for her son, Emperor Tongzhi, and later for her nephew, Guangxu.

不同治法对于肿瘤相关基因组学的影响有助于阐明中医药抗癌的内在机制,为中医药治疗肿瘤提供思路。The effect of different TCM treatments on genomics can do help on internal mechanisms of TCM anticancer and provide thoughts on TCM treatment on cancer.

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该律在有清一代受到了统治者极大的重视,在这一时期,该律所附条例从清初继承明律的7条发展到了同治九年的73条。The rulers paid great attention to the law. There were only seven Regulations in Earlier Qing Dynasty, but there were 73 in the time of Emperor Tongzhi.

同治年间广宁县的案例,可以使我们对晚清的基层政权与基层社会增加了解。The case of Guangning county during the Tongzhi period can help to increase our understanding of late Qing political power and society at the basic level.

采用同中医治法,均能抑制膜电位下降,改善神经功能缺损症状,但以平肝熄风汤风火痰瘀同治效果最佳。Various TCM therapies can depress the decrement of MMP and improve the neurological defects, particularly Pinggan Xifeng decoction shows the best benefit.

甘肃镇与陕西行都司同治一城,二者之间虽有差异,但仍相互依存、相互联系。Between the Shaanxi hsing tu-ssu and Gansu military district are in one city, although the difference between the two, but interdependent and interrelated.

总之,同治年间发生的这次回民迁徙活动,其发生过程和变迁是复杂而显著的,对西北地区的影响也是十分深远的。In all, the processes and changes of the Hui people's migration in Tongzhi years are complex and significant, while its impact to northwestern China is far-reaching.

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由于与「康乾盛世」与「同治中兴」两个观念的紧密联系,使「四王吴恽」在晚清获得了新的意义。With close Connection with the two ideas of "the Kangxi-Qinglong Great Ages" and "the Tung-chih Restoration", the "Four Wangs" was endowed with some fresh significances.

清朝同治年间的张德彝,也许是最早介绍普罗旺斯、波尔多和香槟的中国人。During the Tongzhi Period of late Qing Dynasty, the then contemporary writer Zhang Deyi, perhaps for the first time, introduced Provence, Bordeaux and Champagne to China.

各级地方官员为尽快恢复统治秩序,采取各种措施教化民众,为“同治中兴”局面的出现提供了前提条件。The local government officials took various measures to civilize people to recover the reigning order, which provided precondition for the appearance of " Tongzhi Resurgence".