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辛普森家族"是个卡通节目,很好玩的。The Simpsons are on.

卡通书里有什么?What's in a cartoon?

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一些是卡通书。Some are cartoon books.

比起新闻片,我更喜欢卡通。I prefer cartoons to newsreels.

今天,你被卡通了吗?Have You Been "Cartooned" Today?

这部卡通令孩子们感动。The cartoon thrilled the children.

我们不希望可爱或卡通。We do not want cute or cartoonish.

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你喜欢看卡通电影吗?Do you enjoy seeing cartoon movies?

卡通书里有许多图片。There are many pictures in a cartoon.

我还画了卡通图片,很精致。And some lovely cartoons, so delicate.

复古,普普艺术,七十年代,和卡通。Retro, Pop Art, Seventies, and Cartoon.

让学生看卡通,然后前后四个一组,表演动画。C. Watch the cartoon, and try to act it.

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卡通式的视觉效果和滑稽的声音。Cartoon-style visuals and comical audio.

他成为卡通式的坏人。He has become a kind of cartoon bad guy.

卡通及音乐也是可以的!Cartoons and Musics will be fine as well!

这也是一部世界知名的卡通。It is also a famous cartoon in the world.

兔八哥是我最喜欢的卡通人物。Bugs Bunny is my favorite cartoon character.

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我要带小孩去看卡通影片。I am taking my children to see some cartoons.

卡通的另外的表现形式是连环画。Another form of cartooning is the comic strip.

全校学生看一部英文原版卡通。All the students will watch an English cartoon.