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橡胶砧木是芽接树重要组成,对接穗的生长、产量都有影响。Rootstock is a important component part of rubber budding tree and has influenced scion yield.

不同部位芽片对核桃方块形芽接成活及生长的影响。Effects of different bud on square budding survival rate and grafted seedlings growth of juglans regia l.

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天然橡胶生产栽培中采用的种植材料是高产芽接树。In natural rubber cultivation, planting materials adopted are the high yielding Grafted Hevea Brasiliensis.

为了实现杜仲优良无性系,采用嵌芽接方法对40个杜仲优良无性系进行了无性繁殖试验研究。An asexual propagation study was carried out on the chip budding method among 40 clones of Eucommia ulmoides.

非洲骄傲番荔枝通常以普通番荔枝作砧木,芽接成活率高。It is introduced that planting technique on improved breeds of cherimoya, Africa pride for high quality and yield.

“T”字形芽接法的砧木和接穗利用率前期低,后期高。The utilization rate of rootstock and scions with T-shaped budding were low in early stage and higher in late stage.

探讨了核桃不同嫁接方法及芽片大小、芽接时间对嫁接成活率的影响。This paper deals with the effect of grafting methods, bud scales and grafting time of Juglans regia on surviving rate.

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夏季芽接可削取芽片,或少带木质部芽片,在砧木茎干处剥皮。Summertime bud grafting can be cut take shoot piece, or take xylem shoot less piece, in stock bine dry place decorticates.

另外,在增殖阶段,外植体采用双芽接较单芽接的增殖效果好。Additionally, at the stage of proliferation, inoculation with double shoots has a better result than inoculation with single shoot.

核桃秋季芽接是核桃嫁接繁殖方法之一,是春季枝接、夏季芽接的补充。Autumn budding is one of walnut grafting propagation methods, as a complementary method to spring branch grafting and summer budding.

带木质部嵌芽接的砧木与接穗利用率高于“T”字形芽接的,并随嫁接时间的推迟而逐渐提高。The utilization rate of rootstock and scions with shield bud grafting with wood were higher than that with T-shaped budding and increased gradually with the delay of grafting time.

为了提高核桃嫁接成活率,在不同试验点最适宜的肥水条件下,对核桃子苗嫁接、芽接、绿枝接的成活率、新梢生长量及成本进行对比研究。In order to improve survival rate of walnut grafted, comparison of new shoot increments and cost were made between seedling grafting, bud grafting and green branch grafting of walnut.

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“T”字形芽接法的成苗率和一级率均较高,而苗圃单位面积的成苗株数和一级苗株数以带木质部嵌芽接法多。The seedling rate and first-grade rate with T-shaped budding were higher. Shield bud grafting with wood had more seedling number and the number of first-grade seedling per unit area in nursery.