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但另一个声讨将会安静下来。But another vocal critic will be silent.

任何把他们推向正义审判的尝试都将激起俄罗斯的愤怒声讨。Any attempt to bring them to justice prompts angry protests from Russia.

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在愤怒的声讨中,很少有人完整地读过他那篇争议性的文章。In all the outrage, few have read the entirety of his controversial piece.

因此,声讨声接踵而至,让“青年近卫军”和该政党都陷入了窘境。Outrage ensued, much to the embarrassment of both the Young Guard and the party.

我更是气不打一处来,声讨他的同时,更憎恨我那瘦削的身体。I was not playing an air to denounce him at the same time, more hate my thin body.

可是就在刚才,当我登录旺旺,收到的全部是声讨骗子的留言。But it was just now, when I log on Wangwang, received all message denouncing fraud.

媒体对最新的这个伎俩的报道在网上掀起了对骗子的一片声讨。Media reports of this latest trick have stirred up an online barrage toward the scammers.

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政府曾经拒绝接受这些礼物,但没抵过赠送组织的声讨。The group which had donated them had complained vocally when officials tried to refuse the gift.

瑞德顶住了让他辞职的声讨,并把他的失言解释为“一时词穷”。Reid, who is resisting calls for his resignation, described the gaffe as a "poor choice of words."

而有些工作人员则声讨说,地方政府官员竟然用这些废墟来修路或做别的用途。Some workers also accused local government officials of using some of it for things such as road repair.

卡恩的性丑闻爆发后,法国众多女性站出来声讨表示曾受到过性骚扰,这引起了人们对所谓的性相对主义的质疑。The number of women speaking out in France post-scandal calls into question this easy embrace of relativism.

国内声讨服务的骂声在削减一事之中愈演愈烈,许多团体将参加星期六的游行。Domestic abuse services are being hit hard by the cuts, and many campaign groups will be on Saturday's march.

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例如,想像一下,安理会纳入印度作为常任理事国,并通过了声讨巴基斯坦的决议。Imagine, for example, a council with India as a permanent member that passed resolutions condemning Pakistan.

他们将在悲伤和痛苦中哀嚎、咆哮,毫无保留地声讨他们以前对神圣事物的蔑视。In their grief and misery, they will wail and howl to utterly denounce their former despising of sacred things.

清明时分,徐家举行了一场小型音乐会,以悼念总理、声讨“四人帮”。Pure Brightness time, home Xu held a small-sized concert, in order to grieve over premier, condemn " 4 people are helped ".

其它盟国言辞生硬地声讨莫斯科,抗议他们的冷血屠杀。Another Dictum. The Allies fired off stiffly worded protests to Moscow against the East German regime's "coldblooded killings."

被降级后的美国政府目前看来仍旧是世界上最有信誉的公众发行人,于是,对评级机构的声讨又再次漫延。Again, criticism was widespread as the U.S. government is still seen as one of the most creditworthy public issuers in the world.

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换句话说,反共人士没有看到他们所声讨的堕落的伪资本主义其实就是资本主义。In other words, the anti-Communists don't see that what they are denouncing as a perverted pseudo-capitalism simply is capitalism.

他们既需要为自己的沮丧情绪找一个出口,而更多是对“潜规则”的一种抗争和声讨。They already need to look for an export for their depressed mood, but more is right "the hidden rule" one kind resists and denounces.

从北爱尔兰到南亚,从中东到中美洲,人们在以天主的名义声讨、胁迫和杀戮。From Northern Ireland to South Asia, the Middle East to Middle America, people are condemning, coercing, and killing in the name of God.