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比尔一定检举揭发了我们。Bill must have grassed on us.

我扬言要公开揭发他们。I threatened them with public exposure.

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我高兴地揭发了犯人后冲到了外面。I happily exposed the culprit and rushed outside.

这位年轻的记者不放过揭发贪污腐化现象的任何机会。The young reporter muckrakes at every opportunity.

他兴致勃勃地揭发政敌的贪污腐化。He muckraked his political rivals with great relish.

这些人都是被一位大富大贵的餐馆老板揭发的。They had been reported by a well-known restaurateur.

有人揭发他就是个奸夫和白痴。He has simply been exposed as an adulterer and a fool.

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在众人调查下,终揭发永权在外面有女人。In the survey, will expose right outside a woman forever.

那名接受贿赂的官员收买了那些可能会揭发他的人。The corrupt official bought off those who might expose him.

他们向他揭发了阴谋分子的整个计划。They laid open to him the whole scheme of the conspirators.

更多阴谋者和破坏者的巢穴被揭发。More nests of conspirators and saboteurs have been uncovered.

世贤和戊己得到消息,准备揭发英明的罪行。Shixian and Wuji get the news and plan to expose Yingming's misdeed.

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他们指的是软件能够更容易地揭发剽窃行为。They point to how software has made it easier to uncover plagiarism.

但是我不能揭发别人,罗小四和我也不错。But I was unwilling to disclose anybody and Luo Xiaosi was good to me.

我在想我是否应该去报告警察,把他们揭发出来。I wonder if I ought to blow the lid off by reporting them to the cops.

揭发富豪统治集团的作家中,最多产的是古斯塔夫斯·迈尔斯。The most prolific of the debunkers of the plutocracy was Gustavus Myers.

谋杀犯是因汽车座位上留下的几滴血迹露出马脚而被揭发出来。The murderer was given away by a few tellable bloodstains on his car seat.

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报纸的报道揭发了参议员的非法勾当。That newspaper story blew the lid off the Senator’s illegal business deals.

这骗子被当众揭发,伪装被撕下了。The impostor was exposed publicly and thus stripped of his borrowed plumes.

蒋进吸毒一事遭传媒揭发,盛怒的承天不再信任儿子。Jiang Jin drugs by the media exposure, the heat of day lose faith in his son.