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她的思想在德克雷上校那里找到了依托。Her mind reposed on colonel de craye.

秀山人妆扮城市的依托。Mountain people dress up city rely on.

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它依托的价值信念是什么?What is the significance of the Philippic?

首先,BHO对象依托于浏览器主窗口。First, the BHO is tied to the browser's main window.

依托泊苷是临床常用的抗肿瘤药物。Etoposide is a commonly used clinical anti-cancer drug.

没有道德依托的知识,是对人性的毁灭。Knowledge without conscience is the ruination of the soul.

事迹报告依托于有声语言的表述技巧。A deed report depends on expression skill of sound language.

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麻醉诱导用咪唑安定、依托咪酯及芬太尼。Anesthesia was induced with midazolam, etomidate and fentanyl.

这些测量数据依托于云体形成的模拟模型。The data was supported by model simulations of cloud formation.

依托度酸在整个肠道均有吸收。Etodolac can be absorbed at all segments of the intestine in rats.

你的图像典型的表现出特别依托于叙事体。Your imagery typically appears to be particularly narrative based.

依托咪酯诱导后各参数无进一步明显变化。Etomidate did not cause significant change of hemodynamic parameters.

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本专业所依托的学科现为大学校级重点学科。Automotive engineering is subordinated in school-level key disciplines.

依托米脂是一种快速、短效羧基化咪唑镇静剂。Etomidate is a rapid, short-acting carboxylated imidazole derived hypnotic.

科学的规划是打造精品工程的重要依托。Scientific planning is an important support for creating fine works project.

但实际上,大多依托软件的企业并不具有真正的平台性质。But the reality is that most software-based startups aren't really platforms.

大型体育场馆是体育事业发展的依托和载体。Mega-sports venues are the support and carriers for sport career development.

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海运依托近在咫尺天津港口,真诚地希望与您合作。Relying on close proximity to Tianjin sea port, sincerely hope that with you.

网络化教学是依托计算机网络平台实施的一种教学协作活动。The net-based teaching is a kind of cooperative teaching by means of network.

国家级风景名胜区是我国旅游业发展的主要物质依托。Chinese national parks were the main substance of Chinese tourism development.