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我对你不会丢手的,对吧?I sticks to you, don't I?

他丢手不管了。He washed his hands of the matter.

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抽油杆与控制器组成的控制杆柱下入到丢手管柱内,控制杆柱上部与杆式泵的进油孔相连。The control rod string which is consisted of pumping rod and controller is tripped into the release string.

SPDS型丢手工具是为配合水平井机械防砂而研制的,是防砂管柱的关键工具之一。This paper introduced one of the key tools in sand control strings, model SPDS sand control releasing tool.

当走在前面的女性穿四英寸的高跟鞋时,60名男性中大约有56名都会拦住或者去追上丢手套的女性。Some 56 out of 60 men stopped or chased down a female who dropped a glove while walking ahead of them in four-inch heels.

丢手机构是石油工程中常用的一种井下工具,其结构和特点各不相同。The releasing gadget is an oil tool used for drilling cementing and production. Its structure and function are different from each other.

我渴望思念里我丢手在空中,能签到你跨越千里的深情。期望认识远方的你。I look forward to miss where I've lost hands in the air, can sign you across thousands of miles of deep feeling. Hope you know the distance.

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造成这些问题的原因很多,包括碎屑、无法正常丢手或井筒阻塞,这些都可能导致工具遇卡。This can be caused by numerous issues including debris, release malfunction, and wellbore obstructions, which can result in a stuck barrier.

油田常用的丢手工具主要有投球式和液压式两种类型,这两种丢手工具都不能传递扭矩,限制了工具的应用范围,而且投球式丢手工具施工时作业时间长,效率低。The ball-off and hydraulic releasing tools are used in oilfield, but it can not transfer the moment of torsion and limit their applied range.

经现场21井次的应用,证明该工具充填、丢手及打捞性能良好。With applicative practice for 21 well-times, it is proven that the toll has the excellent performances in filling, releasing and fishing operations.

该工艺管柱主要由双缸液压锚定封隔器、双缸液压无锚定封隔器、液压丢手工具、换层开关、扶正器等工具组成。The pipe string includes double hydraulic cylinder with anchorage packer, double hydraulic cylinder without anchorage packer, releasing tool, reversing valve and centralizer.

整个装置接在丢手封隔器下端,由井筒中清蜡热液液柱压力自动控制关闭与打开。It is attached to the bottom end of a retrievable packer, and opens and closes automatically with the change of the pressure of the hot fluid column in the tubing-casing annulus.

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丢手工具是丢手工艺技术的关键工具之一,丢手工具性能的优劣直接决定着丢手工艺的施工成功率。Releasing tool is one of the key tools in the releasing technology. The performance of the releasing tool will directly determines the operating success ratio of the back-off technology.

它具有液压坐封、双向卡瓦锚定、配套丢手打捞工具打捞等基本特点,是油田卡堵水、分层采油的理想配套工具。It has characteristics of hydraulic setting, bi-directional slip anchoring, and fishing property of matching releasing tool, so it's an ideal tool for water shutoff and separate zone production.

介绍了SPDS-120和SPDS-114两种型号丢手工具的结构设计、工作原理,重点介绍了SPDS-114型丢手工具的结构、特点及相关设计计算。This paper introduced the structural design and working mechanism of SPDS-120 and SPDS- 114 releasing tools, especially the structure, characteristics and relevant design calculation of SPDS- 114.